Results: 2013-May-03 11:46am (up to block 234372)
Address Target Should Win | #Bets | Win | Lose | Refunds | BTC In | BTC Out | Refund | Profit | RTP
1dice1e6p 1 0.00002 | 137903 | 3 (0.00002) | 135655 | 2245 | 1741.97 | 3843.19 | 164.62 | -2101.21 | 220.623
1dice1Qf4 2 0.00003 | 12629 | 0 (0.00000) | 12062 | 567 | 172.61 | 0.45 | 22.84 | 172.15 | 0.262
1dice2pxm 4 0.00006 | 14058 | 2 (0.00015) | 13559 | 497 | 195.42 | 320.30 | 17.49 | -124.88 | 163.906
1dice2vQo 8 0.00012 | 25273 | 5 (0.00020) | 24740 | 528 | 603.80 | 433.87 | 14.62 | 169.93 | 71.856
1dice2WmR 16 0.00024 | 24481 | 5 (0.00021) | 23992 | 484 | 867.55 | 606.57 | 22.19 | 260.98 | 69.917
1dice2xkj 32 0.00049 | 30344 | 13 (0.00043) | 29887 | 444 | 1662.56 | 1830.93 | 1.55 | -168.37 | 110.127
1dice2zdo 64 0.00098 | 30813 | 35 (0.00116) | 30255 | 523 | 2190.94 | 1740.41 | 116.99 | 450.52 | 79.437
1dice37Ee 128 0.00195 | 22179 | 41 (0.00189) | 21623 | 515 | 2419.99 | 1578.10 | 48.56 | 841.89 | 65.211
1dice3jkp 256 0.00391 | 27243 | 116 (0.00432) | 26708 | 419 | 6074.08 | 8662.00 | 13.29 | -2587.92 | 142.606
1dice4J1m 512 0.00781 | 39728 | 312 (0.00801) | 38632 | 784 | 8456.54 | 6949.26 | 10.31 | 1507.28 | 82.176
1dice5wwE 1000 0.01526 | 149403 | 2301 (0.01547) | 146456 | 646 | 43049.98 | 37362.97 | 2.55 | 5687.01 | 86.790
1dice61SN 1500 0.02289 | 26761 | 611 (0.02317) | 25756 | 394 | 7999.08 | 8590.20 | 15.21 | -591.11 | 107.390
1dice6DPt 2000 0.03052 | 96219 | 2957 (0.03087) | 92836 | 426 | 43555.01 | 38808.36 | 9.47 | 4746.64 | 89.102
1dice6gJg 3000 0.04578 | 31806 | 1451 (0.04636) | 29850 | 505 | 9876.30 | 10672.80 | 25.45 | -796.50 | 108.065
1dice6GV5 4000 0.06104 | 39416 | 2413 (0.06187) | 36586 | 417 | 7938.14 | 7869.23 | 31.44 | 68.90 | 99.132
1dice6wBx 6000 0.09155 | 56295 | 5101 (0.09149) | 50651 | 543 | 17151.03 | 18687.25 | 7.64 | -1536.21 | 108.957
1dice6YgE 8000 0.12207 | 215879 | 26424 (0.12275) | 188835 | 620 | 101209.90 | 100503.38 | 100.97 | 706.52 | 99.302
1dice7EYz 12000 0.18311 | 123398 | 22521 (0.18348) | 100223 | 654 | 179907.72 | 181490.91 | 3315.33 | -1583.18 | 100.880
1dice7fUk 16000 0.24414 | 297065 | 72301 (0.24399) | 224024 | 740 | 379924.22 | 366148.67 | 2323.08 | 13775.55 | 96.374
1dice7W2A 24000 0.36621 | 290158 | 106358 (0.36742) | 183113 | 687 | 596080.49 | 587323.11 | 1013.65 | 8757.38 | 98.531
1dice8EMZ 32000 0.48828 | 1235277 | 601931 (0.48806) | 631389 | 1957 | 918845.33 | 900710.87 | 2926.19 | 18134.46 | 98.026
1dice97EC 32768 0.50000 | 706831 | 352304 (0.49959) | 352878 | 1649 | 700018.66 | 682213.98 | 6523.22 | 17804.68 | 97.457
1dice9wcM 48000 0.73242 | 410103 | 300728 (0.73493) | 108464 | 911 | 312185.80 | 304733.24 | 6172.92 | 7452.55 | 97.613
1dicec9k7 52000 0.79346 | 93933 | 74059 (0.79413) | 19199 | 675 | 66059.08 | 64524.95 | 1188.08 | 1534.13 | 97.678
1dicegEAr 56000 0.85449 | 87845 | 74655 (0.85729) | 12428 | 762 | 83698.03 | 82925.80 | 401.22 | 772.23 | 99.077
1diceDCd2 60000 0.91553 | 137743 | 125340 (0.91583) | 11519 | 884 | 77983.23 | 76831.73 | 1.96 | 1151.50 | 98.523
1dice9wVt 64000 0.97656 | 22764 | 20571 (0.97855) | 451 | 1742 | 25116.01 | 24694.96 | 241.17 | 421.04 | 98.324
small (bets < 4 BTC) | 4262264 | 1736992 | 2504348 | 20924 | 850330.97 | 835566.68 | 325.92 | 14764.29 | 98.264
big (bets >= 4 BTC) | 123283 | 55566 | 67423 | 294 | 2744652.64 | 2684490.92 | 24406.21 | 60161.71 | 97.808
| 4385547 | 1792558 | 2571771 | 21218 | 3594983.62 | 3520057.61 | 24732.13 | 74926.01 | 97.916
SD Profit before fees: 74926.01183211 BTC (2.084%)
Cumulative Fees Paid: 3617.00717500 BTC
SD Profit after fees: 71309.00465711 BTC (1.984%)
Pending Liabilities: 2.57068290 BTC
Final SD Profit: 71306.43397421 BTC (1.983%)
Profit This Month: -296.97437041 BTC
Since Satoshi Dice started, there have been:
Blockchain Tx: 14271041 : SatoshiDice Tx: 8036621 (56.3%)
Blockchain MB: 6247.1 : SatoshiDice MB: 3317.6 (53.1%)