God's words are more easily understood and better preserved in Phoenix Journals. Study of the Bible is not so easy because of the many modifications that were made. I think Phoenix Journals provide a superior record of The Word, for example by explaining that GOD does not torture innocent children.
That does not add up. Forgery of the Bible was almost impossible task. Would you not think that there are millions around the world that would notice someone is working on the Bible to forge it?
Bible could have changed words and added some passage. Thats possible. Highly unlikely but possible.
But whole stories? Only complete nut would thought thats possible. Now I need to trust some internet guy says that God is so completly not powerful to have to preserve it by secret society with no evidence of connection to Israelites what so ever.
Are you taking me for a fool?
Please tell me you are joking. You know what happens to people that add to the word? Nothing pleasant.
The whole idea of "Jesus Salvation" is provably a story that was added to the Bible, I already referenced the research of Zuesse to prove this fact. You also need to consider other books to get the full picture, and keep the content-source problem in mind.
Oh another person that does not know how to use the word prove. As I have said to our atheistic friend. You cannot prove that something exist with a single argument. What is wrong with you people? Too much pseudo science documentaries or what? Who taught you that? Instead of prove you should use argument, or that something is argumented here (showing source) or stating the argument. Once you have not done that your statement is not even argumented. You just showed - there somewhere over there, there is a truth. The truth is out there. Who are you? Fox Moulder from x-files or what?
Arthur Conan Doyle (The author of Sherlock Holmes) has a nice definition of truth: "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
In other words proving is a work of elimination not being convinced by someone. Science works precisely that way - it eliminates. You have not eliminated the validity of the Bible at its current form so you have not proven your point. You have not stated that its impossible.
I stated thats its near impossible to forge a whole stories in once known book, if that book have millions of people, that know it verbatim. I had not read your "revelations", so I cannot be 100% sure its impossible. But given all the circumstances I would guess its 0.0000001% probable that it could be the case. It would be hard to forge such a lie, but what would be more hard to do is to convince all christianity that its the case, that some secret organisation knew of it all along but had allowed for a forgery because of some silly reasons.
You would not be a Sherlock thats for sure. At best you could be Dr. Watson.
One fragment from your site:
Murder, rape, pillage, plunder, slavery, and child abuse can not be justified by saying that some god says it’s OK.
None of that is justified in the Bible. War is not a murder ok? Rape was punished by death, its bad translation that translated volontary sex before marriage as rape. Pillage was punished by death. Plunder the same. Slavery was max 7 years alowed - you could say its a job contract (nowhere else was at that time such a good law for slaves). Child abuse is strongly condemned.
Just because at some times God tolerate evil does not mean he perpetaute it. The blood is on the perpetuator - the one who draws the sword die by the sword. If thats not a justice I do not know what is. Yes there is a mercy as well, but there is no conflict with those. Mercy is for someone who repent, and justice to show he must repent. Sometimes people just never repent anything like D. Trump. So it would be hard to have mercy on him. Maybe God has... I could not have for someone who does not repent.
Jesus had said to have mercy on everybody... because he is working on their repentance. And a true believers will believe that it will be the case. But the repentance or justice of St. testiment is still valid. You will be viewed by God better if you have mercy even before someones repentance.
God is 100% just, he in not 100% merciful on nonrepentant. If he would be both 100% just and 100% merciful that would be a little contradictory. He is slow to put his justice upon people. He still waits. Thats a very merciful God.
Have you ever read the Bible ffs? You are lead by Satan by the nose. All of what you claim are hateful lies and unfounded accusations. All of them are based on silly assumption, mistranslations, seemingly correct logic, not viewing the old testement by the words of Jesus (yes he had not condemn Old testament he interpreted correctly its meaning).