You keep saying all the proof is out there but you give me none. You said cows making cows is proof and then that you have proof but it is for yourself. You don't have proof, you were indoctrinated by your parents or family to believe in the bible just like 99% of religious people and you never tried to challenge those beliefs.
If I may speak for myself. Oh yeah. I had challanged it. Firstly I believed very strongly in good making as a child. Then I saw very early that noone - literally noone is taking a gospel message seriously. So I had felt ashamed and became an atheist like you. Later on I was fascinated with Dawkins. I was thinking Im superiour to all those silly hipocritical believers.
Then I saw its all bs as well. None of the "science man" is actually treating it seriously. They are a hypocritical just like all of the rest.
Later on I had found that its a deliberate and planned action for people to be classified as herds. Of believers, nonbelievers and labels this or that. Like they would be some form of animals that need to be social engineered.
So then, after a long time, I realised I have been duped by the society to believe, that I have to belong in some herd. If you are free from the need of belonging you can actually explore your own humanity, some ideas that people are not willing to because that would mean they do not longer belong to their herd.
The words of Christ are real. The herd that is being led is led to their slaughter. A slaughter of soul. We need all we can to stop that.
Society is far from being free from myths. Like all primitive societies our myths are our "realities". Your "scientific" reality is just a variation of a myth of Cargo, described by Baudrillard.
In essence you have things that you take for granted. They are a supermarket stuff. And on one shelf you have "scientific documentaries on discovery channel". You are not interested how that is made, if that meat is actualy a meat. You just take it for granted that in some magical way some cargo culture will spoon feed with all you need. Its a MALL CULTURE and you are fine example of one such a guy.
You are asking us to spoon feed you and you expect it to be in the form of a supermarket product. Packaged as a science by some mister package guy, errr I mean doctor. It need to be certified because thats the rules of this silly mythical society.
Its a deeply ingrained in many myths society that claims its mythless. For me thats a peak of hipocrisy.
Exactly what I was talking about, rambling rambling and more rambling yet you have no proof for your beliefs. I gave you mine, Yes I do believe in evolution and perhaps the big bang but I also gave you a lot of evidence for it, it might be wrong but it's still a lot of evidence. You have none, you can only quote the bible and come up with a silly ''proof'' of god, ''cows make cows''
I look at the evidence and I try to interpret it to the best of my knowledge. If a god exists and he wants to torture me forever because I didn't believe in him even though I was using the logic and reasoning he gave me then he is either evil, doesn't exist or is fucking retarded.
You had gave me "evidences" That I and others have shown that they might as well be an "evidences" for creationism. I agree some things are facts. But just because they are facts, does not mean they prove your position. Can you read with understanding?
The difference between me and you is that I have higher intelectual standards and I am aware those "evidences" are weak. Either for evolution or creation. Let me remind you what was your possition and what was mine because you have clearly low memory:
Discovering Dna
Complication of dna is rather a disprove of evolution at best. Its nowhere near to be a proof.
finding transitional fossils
You do not need to wait millions of years to create fossils. You need a catastrophy. Like a global flood for example.
By the way. Its circular logic. Biologists reffers to geologist and geologist to biologists without checking validity of claims. Babilonian logic I say. Complicate things more, maybe you will build a tower to the sky of this absurd.
matching traits to common ancestors
Thats not science. Its a priori.
observing evolution over short timescales like the peppered moth but there are other examples worth pointing out
24Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.
Yes peppered moth came from its kind a moth, not a banana given enough of time to pass. Sorry being mocking. Its asking for it.
Our war against bacteria is rapidly producing highly resistant strains
Disease are there to help us gain health not for us to get away from them. Toxicity is the origin of disease. Do you think a bacteria is a danger to healthy individual? Pasteur even said that bacteria is nothing, the enviroment is everything.
Medicine right now is finding the benefit of having parasites. You have completly outdated informations my friend. Science is leaving your position to more enlighted one. We start to see the nature is not our enemy and not everyone try to kill us.
Similarly, many animals are adapting to pesticides
There could be some form of natural selection of those. I fully agree. That does not prove evolution that God is wrong what he says. But its not a mutation per se. Its a variation within a specie. Most of those variation can reverse. And it could be that young rats are activating their fenotypes within a genome, within a contact with a toxin.
That's blind faith to you?
Yes, because I have said it does not disprove this:
24Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.
Real testable evidence, do you have any?
Yes, there is no animal that does not aply to this:
24Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind"; and it was so.
Of course you don't
Yes I do. Look up.
I don't think you understood why I was quotting the bible. I was quotting the bible, because you have no proof that is wrong, and everyday life is a proof its correct.
To prove your claim you need to give some counter argument which you had failed to do.
Thank you for giving me the evidences for creationism. If you want to talk to me you need to explain few things:
1. Explain complexity of dna counter to simplicity of evolution.
2. Explain the catastrophic genesis of fossils. Why biologists are not verifying geologist and vice versa. Why do they use circular logic? Circular logic should be the enemy of scientific enquiry. By the way, what does bodily remains prove other than - the body died? Nothing. And all of the evidences is gathered by one organisation that is of low reputation. Smithsonians.
3. Why there is a beneficial effects of parasites on human health?
4. Why do we have fenotypes and not only genotypes.
5. Find an example of a specie creation that we could verify scientificly
6. Why are your classification not verifiable scientificly?
7. Why species are being extinct in ennourmous pace, yet no new specie was born. Don't tell me dingo its just a reverse engineered new race of a dog. Hows that we do not see new stars, yet we see stars dying day by day.
For all those questions there is a way simplier more fit to the Ockham (btw the guy was correct that the papal seat is the antichrist written in John revelation) razor answers like:
1. Because our creator is complex. He gave his footprint in our dna. Its not like 90% or so of dna is useless - its a footprint of God finger. It sound unscientific? Because you have an allergy to the word God.
In 2012, scientists with the ENCODE project, a huge catalog of all noncoding DNA in the human genome, declared that 80 percent of our DNA was active and performing some function. Now scientists at Oxford have analyzed the human genome and claim that less than 10 percent of our DNA is functional.
Btw how is that a not a compromitation of evolution that the closest specie to our dna is a pig, not a chimpansee. How did that happen? Was our ancestor a pig, not a monkey? Hows dna not disprove evolution?
Are we canibalistic monsters eating our brothers in evolution? Yikes.
2. The biologist does not verify geologist because they would lose grands if proven wrong. Money talks.
3. Becuase everything is made of love. The recent medical discoveries is showing this that illness is the process of getting rid of toxins, by the sweat and other bodily fluids. Cancer is just a process of avoiding getting ill and die from toxemity. There are tons of scientific works including etology proves that the species that are "evil" had extinct because they does not belong to the "love theme".
4. Because we are made to adapt to our enviroment, by the benevolence. Otherwise free will would not be possible.
5. They had not found it and they will not find it. Why? Because its a hoax.
6. Look at point 5.
7. The law of entropy.
I had told you that, yet I would not want my point of view to be taught in public schools. Its not evidenced enough to influence young minds. Your point of view is not evidenced as well, yet you lie it does.
I agree with the undeniable fact that there are a variations within a species. But you must a agree as well that its unfactual that there is made a variation outside of a specie. That had not happened anywhere. Its just nonfactual nonsense proving evolution is nonfactual at best. Maybe they are not conciously fraudsters so I should not name them such.