If religions are bad, then all things of people are bad. Why? Because some people simply focus on one thing, while others focus on other things. Tesla's religion of math and electronics was bad?
Jesus didn't say much after His crucifixion. But He said a lot before it. The things He said before don't entirely match the things He said after. Why not? There was a change made in the relationship between man and God at the crucifixion time. Even so, Paul's sayings are not going to match the things Jesus said before the crucifixion.
The Bible needs to be understood according to the whole theme of the relationship between God and man during the time that any of it was written... if one wants to understand it properly. Christians who apply O.T. stuff to themselves, often apply those things incorrectly, because they are not of O.T. times.
Yes !
Need to see the reaction of characters in the context.
In this sometime it looks written like platonic dialog. More like story with meaning to be understood through the interaction of two characters rather than mere accurate recollection of historical facts.
I don't agree with that. That makes you platonist before paulist before christian. Christ said clearly to follow him and await his return.
I don't say that Paul was not inspired by God. Cyrus was inspired by God as well. God uses the followers of christ and non followers alike to further his plans.
Plans of Paul as a Pharisee was to divide and weaken the Pharisee, to confuse them and to spread the "light" version of christianity that I would call paulianism, so that the message would not die. The method was to presserve the message not to further it. God only knows if not the Paul the message of christ would not be forgotten.
The role of a Paul was to make as much babilonian like people to know about it and be interested in it, so that even the worst pagan would know about Jesus. It was to presserve the word of God.
Its a clear message not to confuse the message of philosophy and the Bible in the Bible words. Catholics the apostate does that. Why do they do it? Because they are graven image worship Paulians, not christians.
You have to born again christian, leave all dogmas and love Jesus.
Thats my opinion.
Well... Its not meaningless for Tesla. lol.
You just demand impossible, for you to be able to justify your hiding in your atheist closet. Ok. Im fine with it. Be closed in your atheist closet if thats your free will.
As I had already told you. Atheism is not a default possition. Atheism is a point of view that requires YOU to have a proof that god does not exist. You claim there is no god. Where is your proof? If you have none you are an agnostic.
A movie about atheism as belief system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwMIe_AU02c
Plato is not a dogma.
Philosophy in the platonic sense of dialog is not dogmatic.
It's more a litterature style rather than anything.
More a method of reflection and gain wisdom through interaction between two characters.
When they speak of philosophy in the bible they speaks of sophists , not about plato or Pythagoras.
God was existing before the new testament was written. It's clear Judaism inspired plato, and platonists and stoics influenced Christianism.
For me the new testament make much more sense in the view of platonic teaching.
The old testament still seem to pick up certain elements of previous culture like egyptian and babylonian, while rejecting only the corruption of knowledge by kings and corrupted priesthood orders.
To me it looks a lot like what Jews did with the old testament is similar to what budhist did on hinduism. A sort of purification or synthèses of mesh of various cult to re extract the essential from them.
Pharisee are not all Jews culture, and it's same with babylonian and philosophy, need to be careful about the term used in detail.
Born again is only through water and spirit.