Atheism is not a default possition, so its logical that the only person that need to convince themselves out of a default possition is you.
There is no such a thing as a blind faith. Every faith has some merit in it. Even a faith in authority. Authority to be worth faith need to be at least charismatic.
Yes I had typed a lot, because the subject is a lot more complicated than you try to make it. Science does not have the answers for everything. If you think it does you believe in scientism. And its stronger faith than I have in my believes I would say.
What is that any religion says and science answers better. I challange you to find one.
And yes. Religions are dogmatic. I try to not have dogmas. Im open to any conclusions as long as its logical. I was hearing a debate of sikh with a muslim, and as I had found muslim to be dogmatic and nitpicking, the message of sikh was very close to the message of Christ. I don't agree upon meditation, but.... he at least understand that a prayer to the Lord is valid for me, not a meditation. But yes there are milion kinds of meditation, maybe some are valid. I do not know. I know some are very toxic.
The universe coming to it’s current state in six days, talking snakes, humans being formed from clay or out of the rib of other humans, women having children but staying virgin, people being resurrected after days of being dead. None of which you see happening today, of course. In fact, there is never any explanation of anything in the bible. They are just statements, it never explained what god is or how god was formed or how god created anything so you could say the bible doesn't really answer anything in the first place.
The six days of the Genesis are not earth days. The first day was before sun & earth was created.
The snakes and relation to fruit of tree of knowledge is reference to more ancient myth. The snakes in egypt are often associated with wisdom or enlightment. Or intermediate between knowledge / light and human mind.
Like wadjet ( )
The Uraeus (/jʊˈriəs/;[1] plural Uraei or Uraeuses; from the Greek oὐραῖoς, ouraîos, "on its tail"; from Egyptian jʿr.t (iaret), "rearing cobra") is the stylized, upright form of an Egyptian cobra (asp, serpent, or snake), used as a symbol of sovereignty, royalty, deity and divine authority in ancient Egypt.
The whole old testament is reference to older myth from egypt or babylon.
Tiamat is also one of the ancient myth often refered in old testament.
This way to think about the creation of the cosmos was very common in these times.
The thing of death and ressurection also have their own meaning in esoteric / gnostic teaching, the bible make many references to this process, and im pretty sure there will be evidence of this coming from neurology and noetic science in the next decade.
There are already more and more study of this in psychology / psychiatry / neurology.
The meaning of the rib from original hebrew is not that clear either.