I think Przemax is an alt of badecker because the same day he stopped posting here, Przemax started posting here, could be a coincidence but who knows.
Nope Im not a badecker. I have actually talked with him, and he agreed upon my interpretation of a psalm 23. I think that God is everywhere means that we live inside him. Space and the dimensions are a product of magnetism.
The staff of the Lord is the electricity. He can lift people by his electrostatics. The gravity is electric. Whole world is the electric phenomen. His rod of iron is the magnetism.
To know more how pointless it is to meassure God by mathematics, you can find in this youtube channel.
I have the impression, that some people like to complicate simple matters. They are the people of Babilon. Bible message is contrary to what those people are doing. Bible is trying to make complicated concept simple.
Here is my article that shows hows the anomy - a concept in sociology, can give another evidence of the existance of God. We are creatures that love meaning. That iss why we speak. And thats why our connection with God is in what we love - meaning, word.
I was wondering why people like the concept of world being an illusion or simulation of a sort. Its because of the anomy. People that experience God say there is nothing more real than that experience. So full in meaning. And we are creatures of meaning and values. If we are not filled with those, we feel like some tribals have called - a sickness of souls.
Lot of the concept that you quote from the old testament are actually concepts directly coming from sumerian/egyptian/babylonian culture.
Most of the concept involved in Genesis are completely inspired from summerian/babylonian science of the time, when translated properly from hebrew taking in account historical context.
Need to take in account there was always political struggle in those societies between the tyranic Kings condamned in the bible and scholars who were often pariah or shunned by the Mainstream politics because of being critics of it. The bible is often implicitly quoting directly this wisdom from the scholars, and take the same position as them against the "bad" "tyranic" kings, with mostly the same arguments and rethoric.
There are many example in greece with socrates, plato, Pythagoras, jesus who all got in trouble with rulers of the time because of being critics of it, but there is this same struggle in jew world, and in summerian/babylonian world before.
The Two Babylons
or The Papal Worship
Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife
Book I, Chapter 1
The Jewish World in the Days of Christ
The Jewish Dispersion in the East
Book I, Chapter 2
The Jewish Dispersion in the West
The Hellenists
Origin of Hellenist Literature in the Greek Translation of the Bible
Character of the Septuagint
Book I, Chapter 3
The Old Faith Preparing for the New
Development of Hellenist Theology: The Apocrypha, Aristeas, Aristobulus, and the Pseud-Epigraphic Writings
Book I, Chapter 4
Philo of Alexandria, The Rabbis, and the Gospels
The Final Development of Hellenism in its Relation to Rabbinism
and the Gospel According to St. John
I never really understand the point to replace the so called science, by just another form of sophistic scientism, with even less ground in reality, less review, less experiment, and barely even simpler ..