
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 208. (Read 845582 times)

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
April 22, 2017, 09:09:32 AM

Additionally, scientific evaluation of evolution, using probability math, shows that evolution is completely impossible. Cause and effect show that there is no random effect, randomness that would be necessary for mutations to exist as evolution. Irreducible complexity shows that critical stages of the evolution idea are missing, thereby moving evolution into the realm of never being able to be proven.

you really need to
1. educate yourself beyond your  bubble of pious biblical fairy tale nonsense
2. read up on some real evolutionary science. your above statement shows your complete and utter ignorance of it.
   but no surprise there.
and 3. jeezus dude...take a break from these troll fest threads once in awhile.
          unless that is you don't mind being seen as rather obsessed

You sound kinda dense. In what way? Newton's 3rd Law is still a law. Just because there has been a bunch of theory that scientists try to use to destroy Newton's 3rd Law, doesn't mean they have succeeded at all.

Talk about educating one's self, you need to educate yourself that Newton's 3rd law upholds cause and effect, and that cause and effect exists in everything, and that there is not even one example of true randomness because of cause and effect, and that mutations are programmed into the universe because of this, and that there is not even one for-a-fact example of a beneficial mutation.

Regarding the idea of a living cell coming into being by the odds of nature simply falling into place in ways that make life, consider a simple, 200 element/molecule cell. What are the odds that these parts are going to fall into place in just the right way so that they would exist where they would have to exist for the cell to be alive. The odds are tremendously high against... so high that it impossible for it to happen.

But if it happened once, then the parts would have to be kicked into motion in just the right way for the cell to become alive. Another impossibility by the odds.

Even if this happened, the surrounding nature would destroy the life as instantly as the life appeared.

Now, if you want to get away from this idea by saying that evolution doesn't include abiogenesis, great. But, it is more improbable that a living cell, or other forms of life can gain atoms and molecules in the correct places so that they could change, simply by randomness. It simply isn't in the odds according to any probability math that we have that matches nature.

Besides. Even if we were talking about non-abiogenesis evolution, abiogenesis is so extremely impossible that it couldn't happen under any circumstances that we can almost imagine. See for starters. Then research it, and you will find that I am right.

You have been played, son... you and all the people who think that evolution is possible or real. You've been suckered into an evolution religion. Scientists are getting rich off you jokers by getting grant money to continue experimenting, or by teaching evolution foolishness in universities. And you support it with your taxes.


Oh Puddleduck...... you silly sausage.

You claim Newtons third law (cause and effect) upholds your evidence of a god........ however, you fail to answer who made your god?

You have never been able to answer this using the same laws with which you claim proves your own god, but instead apply your own assumptions. That is where you fail.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 21, 2017, 11:04:58 PM

Additionally, scientific evaluation of evolution, using probability math, shows that evolution is completely impossible. Cause and effect show that there is no random effect, randomness that would be necessary for mutations to exist as evolution. Irreducible complexity shows that critical stages of the evolution idea are missing, thereby moving evolution into the realm of never being able to be proven.

you really need to
1. educate yourself beyond your  bubble of pious biblical fairy tale nonsense
2. read up on some real evolutionary science. your above statement shows your complete and utter ignorance of it.
   but no surprise there.
and 3. jeezus dude...take a break from these troll fest threads once in awhile.
          unless that is you don't mind being seen as rather obsessed

You sound kinda dense. In what way? Newton's 3rd Law is still a law. Just because there has been a bunch of theory that scientists try to use to destroy Newton's 3rd Law, doesn't mean they have succeeded at all.

Talk about educating one's self, you need to educate yourself that Newton's 3rd law upholds cause and effect, and that cause and effect exists in everything, and that there is not even one example of true randomness because of cause and effect, and that mutations are programmed into the universe because of this, and that there is not even one for-a-fact example of a beneficial mutation.

Regarding the idea of a living cell coming into being by the odds of nature simply falling into place in ways that make life, consider a simple, 200 element/molecule cell. What are the odds that these parts are going to fall into place in just the right way so that they would exist where they would have to exist for the cell to be alive. The odds are tremendously high against... so high that it impossible for it to happen.

But if it happened once, then the parts would have to be kicked into motion in just the right way for the cell to become alive. Another impossibility by the odds.

Even if this happened, the surrounding nature would destroy the life as instantly as the life appeared.

Now, if you want to get away from this idea by saying that evolution doesn't include abiogenesis, great. But, it is more improbable that a living cell, or other forms of life can gain atoms and molecules in the correct places so that they could change, simply by randomness. It simply isn't in the odds according to any probability math that we have that matches nature.

Besides. Even if we were talking about non-abiogenesis evolution, abiogenesis is so extremely impossible that it couldn't happen under any circumstances that we can almost imagine. See for starters. Then research it, and you will find that I am right.

You have been played, son... you and all the people who think that evolution is possible or real. You've been suckered into an evolution religion. Scientists are getting rich off you jokers by getting grant money to continue experimenting, or by teaching evolution foolishness in universities. And you support it with your taxes.

Activity: 2702
Merit: 1468
April 18, 2017, 02:58:53 PM
You are so funny. Have you been to the bottom of the oceans lately to check there for God? Many ancient peoples thought that the constellation, Orion, was the place that life came from. Have you been out there to check for God? What? You have it on authority that God doesn't exist in either of those places? What authority? Your own? LOL!

Perhaps you should take a night course in understanding how to interpret science law, so that you can see that God exists from the proof:

It might even help you learn how to stay on topic.

Interpretations are not proof, exact facts are. When everyone tells you that shit you keel posting is a fail, you should get a clue. But apologists don't get too many clues, don't they? As for the proof, you may not pass the burden of proof onto me or anybody else who said they do not believe a God exists. It is your burden, not ours. You claim a God exists, you come with the exact proof. But none of you will since you have no proof. Now do as I said and fuck off outta here, you Bob Dutko ass licker.

Science laws are not interpretations. If you don't like science laws, forget this topic. This topic is about science proof that God exists. However...

If you decide to examine the science laws and how they are applied, remember that God isn't explained at all. The only reason I use the masculine pronoun with Him, is, that that's the way most people understand Him. The scientific proof for Him doesn't explain if He has a gender or not. It doesn't explain any religious aspects of Him. It simply shows that He exists... whatever He may be.

No, dumb fuck, scientific laws are not interpretation. Your bullshit is an interpretation of scientific laws and it is complete fantasy. Stop coming up with hypocrite ways of persuading this discussion in your favour, it will not work. Please fuck off and try to find your own ideas instead of pasting the same links that you've learnt on Bob Dutko's bullshit cd's. Apologist.

You're a kinda sad specimen of humanity. At least stats and af_newbie attempt to break the proof for God down a little. More than likely you can't even read it. What? Does your mama browse the Internet for you? No step-by-step rebuttal of the proof at all!

I certainly support your yakety yak against me and the proof. Since you don't have anything except yakety yak, you are shown for what you are >>> a rambling stooge for some idiot group of idiot atheists. As Han Solo said, "Laugh it up, Fuzzball." All the way to idiot stardom.

We like it. We like it. Grin

Again, the proof for the existence of God links:


Unfortunately, he is right.  You are cherry picking your science like you pick your Bible.

You are as stupid as flat Earthers believing in 6000-7000 years old Earth.

There are cultures with more history than your Bible suggest.

So stop your Entropy nonsense.  You are not impressing anyone.  

You are as stupid as those who wrote the Bible.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
April 21, 2017, 10:23:18 PM

Additionally, scientific evaluation of evolution, using probability math, shows that evolution is completely impossible. Cause and effect show that there is no random effect, randomness that would be necessary for mutations to exist as evolution. Irreducible complexity shows that critical stages of the evolution idea are missing, thereby moving evolution into the realm of never being able to be proven.

you really need to
1. educate yourself beyond your  bubble of pious biblical fairy tale nonsense
2. read up on some real evolutionary science. your above statement shows your complete and utter ignorance of it.
   but no surprise there.
and 3. jeezus dude...take a break from these troll fest threads once in awhile.
          unless that is you don't mind being seen as rather obsessed
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 21, 2017, 06:19:15 PM
However, my hope is way beyond yours. Why? Because you can't even rebut the proof that God exists, and that atheism is a quasi-religion.


You think we are any different?  We are both humans.  We both will die and decompose.  There is no life after death, no matter what you believe while you are alive.

Of course we are different. I understand science proof. but you don't.

In your case, you would try to ignore God even if you understood the proof of His existence.

Since God is the primary driving force holding the universe in place, you will force yourself out of existence by attempting to ignore Him. I, on the other hand, will rise up to live forever by embracing God.

Big difference between us!


You believe in some made up story about how the world was made.  I believe science is the best way to discover the unknowns of this universe.  
Wrong. Science shows that virtually all of the "old earth" sciences are simply interpretations. These sciences can be interpreted to show a young earth if looked at in other ways. Google "young earth" to see what I mean. One result is

You use some ancient myths to modify them to suit your needs. I don't.  
I am not aware of doing this. However, it is apparent that you use some young, untried, un-thought-out myths to suggest that many unknowns are fact.

You believe Earth is less than 7000 years old. I don't.  I know it is 4.5 billions years old.
You know it in your imagination and belief. Therefore, it is a religion for you until it is proven.

You believe 'God' created man from dirt/clay.  I don't.  I know we are the product of evolution over billions of years.
You continually show that you are not quite honest by making false claims about me. I believe that God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into him the breath of life.

Additionally, scientific evaluation of evolution, using probability math, shows that evolution is completely impossible. Cause and effect show that there is no random effect, randomness that would be necessary for mutations to exist as evolution. Irreducible complexity shows that critical stages of the evolution idea are missing, thereby moving evolution into the realm of never being able to be proven.

You are deluded.  I am sane.

That is the difference between us.

Thank you for letting me show everyone how you have a different and deficient definition of the word "sane."

The thing you have is a religion. Why? The foundations for it are proving that it is false. The only way it is truth to some slight extent is that you believe in it.

If you continue with your delusion, now that you have been shown that it is a delusion, it will gradually drag you into a position of lunacy.


And in the end, you are still full of shit.  Let me guess,  BA in your username stands for Bronze Age.

You are simply delusional.  You read some PARTS of some ancient book, dreamed up a fantasy, then you meet people who believe in your fantasy and you go around and say, my fantasy is the "truth".

Guys like you should be locked up in the mental institutions.  Too bad you don't follow the Bible.  Our legal system would deal with you guys.

You and the Flat Earthers are all the same.  You need professional help.

Oh, you are just having a bad time in your life. Nobody who writes as intelligently as you do at times, can NOT understand how science proves that God exists. Even scientists are coming more and more to understand God. Relax, and believe God, so that you can be saved, even if it is difficult for you to do.

However, if you are a paid troll, keep up the good work. We wouldn't want you to lose out on any money.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 21, 2017, 12:20:57 PM
However, my hope is way beyond yours. Why? Because you can't even rebut the proof that God exists, and that atheism is a quasi-religion.


You think we are any different?  We are both humans.  We both will die and decompose.  There is no life after death, no matter what you believe while you are alive.

Of course we are different. I understand science proof. but you don't.

In your case, you would try to ignore God even if you understood the proof of His existence.

Since God is the primary driving force holding the universe in place, you will force yourself out of existence by attempting to ignore Him. I, on the other hand, will rise up to live forever by embracing God.

Big difference between us!


You believe in some made up story about how the world was made.  I believe science is the best way to discover the unknowns of this universe. 
Wrong. Science shows that virtually all of the "old earth" sciences are simply interpretations. These sciences can be interpreted to show a young earth if looked at in other ways. Google "young earth" to see what I mean. One result is

You use some ancient myths to modify them to suit your needs. I don't. 
I am not aware of doing this. However, it is apparent that you use some young, untried, un-thought-out myths to suggest that many unknowns are fact.

You believe Earth is less than 7000 years old. I don't.  I know it is 4.5 billions years old.
You know it in your imagination and belief. Therefore, it is a religion for you until it is proven.

You believe 'God' created man from dirt/clay.  I don't.  I know we are the product of evolution over billions of years.
You continually show that you are not quite honest by making false claims about me. I believe that God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into him the breath of life.

Additionally, scientific evaluation of evolution, using probability math, shows that evolution is completely impossible. Cause and effect show that there is no random effect, randomness that would be necessary for mutations to exist as evolution. Irreducible complexity shows that critical stages of the evolution idea are missing, thereby moving evolution into the realm of never being able to be proven.

You are deluded.  I am sane.

That is the difference between us.

Thank you for letting me show everyone how you have a different and deficient definition of the word "sane."

The thing you have is a religion. Why? The foundations for it are proving that it is false. The only way it is truth to some slight extent is that you believe in it.

If you continue with your delusion, now that you have been shown that it is a delusion, it will gradually drag you into a position of lunacy.

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 21, 2017, 06:27:26 AM
However, my hope is way beyond yours. Why? Because you can't even rebut the proof that God exists, and that atheism is a quasi-religion.


You think we are any different?  We are both humans.  We both will die and decompose.  There is no life after death, no matter what you believe while you are alive.

Of course we are different. I understand science proof. but you don't.

In your case, you would try to ignore God even if you understood the proof of His existence.

Since God is the primary driving force holding the universe in place, you will force yourself out of existence by attempting to ignore Him. I, on the other hand, will rise up to live forever by embracing God.

Big difference between us!

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 21, 2017, 06:23:24 AM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet? 

Since you can't even see that my proof is proof, no wonder you can't begin to show a step-by-step rebuttal. Back to the dark ages with you, then.


Since you have not shown any proof, maybe it is back to the dark ages with you.

I'll miss you whilst you are gone!

Since you can't understand any proof, you don't have proof that God doesn't exist.

I bet you don't even have proof that you exist.   Grin

We don't need to have proof that God doesn't exist, apologist monkey. You have to prove something and you're not proving anything just by bitching around that nobody gives a fuck about your bullshit ideas. There's a reason why nobody even tries to explain it to you: they are not worth a single spit. Fuck off, apologist.

But you do need life and ability to post in this forum. Your body and mind didn't simply jump into being without any cause. Neither did the background of the universe that allowed your body and mind to be built.

If you continue to ignore the Great God Who created everything so that you could have body and mind just like the rest of us, you will ultimately ignore yourself right out of existence.

Activity: 3388
Merit: 3514
born once atheist
April 20, 2017, 10:15:43 PM
i couldn't think of anything new to say because its all been said a million times before
so i thought id just regurgitate an old post.
 you know, just like my buddy BADecker does on this thread (and others) twenty-four/seven...
 ie.. repeats the same old pious drivel because he likes the echo chamber.
I'm waiting for the day when he goes to a real science forum and posts his boiler plate
links he regurgitates here on a regular basis. that would be quite funny to see all his "science is religion" bollocks ripped to shreds.
 .....but I'm not holding my breath

anyway...BUMP  (apologies to those who saw the earlier post its copied from)  

So Jesus and Moses were hanging out in heaven, totally bored (what a surprise)
So Jesus says "dude, I'm sick of this shit, lets go downstairs to earth where the real action is and have some fun.
Lets go do miracles!"
Moses with a gleam in his eye, replys "oh I'm there dude! lets do it man, I still have my chops! So, how 'bout we head to the old holy land .?
Maybe even find a talking bush and set it on fire! But I aint wandering in the desert! Its too frikkin hot and these sandels give me blisters."
So... (you always start a good story with "so" these days.  "AND SO" if its religious babble..I mean Bible nonsense)....  
So, Jesus is like "cool bro, how 'bout you grab that big ole staff of yours and you part the Red Sea just for shitz n giggles!?"
So, Moses is like " oh yeah and then you walk across the water and maybe even leap over the big ole chasm I make!
oh,and dont forget to to turn the water into a couple a jugs of wine cuz we're gonna partaaaay brother!! (none of that Riunite shit tho)
"Sounds like a plan my man!" replies the true messiah himself.
AND SO.. they headed down to earth and they arrive at  holy land beach.
AND SO... Moses turns towards the Red Sea and lifts his staff on high  and spreads his arms to the heavens.
AND SO... the angels began to sing and the gentle sea breeze turned into a raging gale, and the waters of the Red Sea were parted.
THEN Moses lowered his arms,
AND with a smug grin on his face, turned back to face Jesus. OK dude your turn, lets see you do your thing!
AND SO... with a flourish of his robes, Jesus steps onto the waters of the Red Sea and begins to stride across without so much as a ripple.
  "Check it out bro! now I'm gonna walk out on water, run and jump over the the giant part in the Red Sea you just made! wooo hooo "
  But to Moses' bewilderment, halfway across the water just as Jesus gets up to leaping speed, with each step taken he slowly starts sinking into
  the water! Moses watches with horror as his buddy,the Saviour, the son of God himself, the true Messiah is now splashing and flailing helplessly in the drink.
  Poor Jesus begins to choke while the waves toss him around like a waterlogged rag doll.
AND SO...Moses,upon seeing his side kick, the almighty Messiah,clearly in trouble, swims out to save him from his watery grave.
AND Moses drags Jesus,using the lifeguard hold, back thru the now un-parted choppy Red Sea  (he had to drop his staff, you see)
AND Moses lays The Savior out on the beach, "Hey Jesus" says an enlightened Moses,as he looked down
    on his buddy on his back with arms outstetched no less,"I got an you can make a sand Angel!".
AND SO..Jesus flapped his arms and legs in the sand and HE DID make a sand angel!
AND SO..Between gasps and hack- ups of mouthfuls of salt water Jesus splutters
"Moses I'm saved! You SAVED me... Praise the lord!... oh wait... I AM the lord!....damn it bro, what went wrong?"

 Moses slapped a consoling hand on Jesus' shoulder and said,
 "Don't worry about it, dude. Last time you tried it, you didn't have holes in your feet."......


...."hey, nice sand angel tho!"..... Grin

"Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."

"All religions have been made by men."

"If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god."

"How can you have order in a state without religion?  For, when one man is dying of hunger near another who is ill of surfeit, he cannot resign himself to this difference unless there is an authority which declares ´God wills it thus.´  Religion is
 excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet."

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."

"I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get."

Bonaparte, Napoleon ,
French emperor

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 20, 2017, 07:49:45 PM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet? 

Since you can't even see that my proof is proof, no wonder you can't begin to show a step-by-step rebuttal. Back to the dark ages with you, then.


Since you have not shown any proof, maybe it is back to the dark ages with you.

I'll miss you whilst you are gone!

Since you can't understand any proof, you don't have proof that God doesn't exist.

I bet you don't even have proof that you exist.   Grin

We don't need to have proof that God doesn't exist, apologist monkey. You have to prove something and you're not proving anything just by bitching around that nobody gives a fuck about your bullshit ideas. There's a reason why nobody even tries to explain it to you: they are not worth a single spit. Fuck off, apologist.
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 20, 2017, 05:38:22 PM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet? 

Since you can't even see that my proof is proof, no wonder you can't begin to show a step-by-step rebuttal. Back to the dark ages with you, then.


Since you have not shown any proof, maybe it is back to the dark ages with you.

I'll miss you whilst you are gone!

Since you can't understand any proof, you don't have proof that God doesn't exist.

I bet you don't even have proof that you exist.   Grin

Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 20, 2017, 05:36:14 PM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  

Since you can't even see that my proof is proof, no wonder you can't begin to show a step-by-step rebuttal. Back to the dark ages with you, then.


You got no proof.  You don't follow God's word from the Bible.  And on top of all that your God does not exist.

You want to believe that Bible is the word of God, that Earth was created by God 6000 years ago ONLY because it gives you hope
of life after death.

Unfortunately for you, your hope is just that a hope.  When you die, you die.  There is no afterlife.  No heaven, no hell just your body decomposes, you will be forgotten in few generations, nobody will even remember or know that you ever existed.

However, my hope is way beyond yours. Why? Because you can't even rebut the proof that God exists, and that atheism is a quasi-religion.

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
April 20, 2017, 11:49:42 AM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet? 

Since you can't even see that my proof is proof, no wonder you can't begin to show a step-by-step rebuttal. Back to the dark ages with you, then.


Since you have not shown any proof, maybe it is back to the dark ages with you.

I'll miss you whilst you are gone!
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 20, 2017, 11:44:31 AM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet? 

Since you can't even see that my proof is proof, no wonder you can't begin to show a step-by-step rebuttal. Back to the dark ages with you, then.

sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
April 20, 2017, 05:16:45 AM

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy


I am having fun Puddleduck. I have you as my furry little friend!

Ironically, you are the one who insults others by calling them out for their supposed mental incapacity. Yes you know you do this as I have pointed it out to you many times.

You still have not shown any proof, so there is nothing to disprove.

To disprove your assumptions, it's a simple case of saying that "I assume you to be a troll, therefore you don't mean what you write".

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God does not exist, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet? 
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
April 19, 2017, 09:25:26 PM
You're a kinda sad specimen of humanity. At least stats and af_newbie attempt to break the proof for God down a little. More than likely you can't even read it. What? Does your mama browse the Internet for you? No step-by-step rebuttal of the proof at all!

I certainly support your yakety yak against me and the proof. Since you don't have anything except yakety yak, you are shown for what you are >>> a rambling stooge for some idiot group of idiot atheists. As Han Solo said, "Laugh it up, Fuzzball." All the way to idiot stardom.

We like it. We like it. Grin

Again, the proof for the existence of God links:

I would gladly attempt to break the proof of God if there was any. Assumptions and interpretations do not belong to the 'proof' section, they belong to the belief section. As a result, the shit that you keep on posting is not proof, it's something that you heard from Bob Dutko's cds and it needs no 'step-by-step rebuttal' (funny how you overuse exactly these words that Bob Dutko overuses when he's pissed off at people laughing at his moronic ideas). Also, you trying to become a bit aggressive is pathetic and only demonstrates how desperate you are in proving you own the truth. Exactly like any other apologist. My conclusion is and will be the same untill you come up with some decent stuff and stop acting like a bitchy, dumb apologist: fuck off and come back when you really thought about something. We can do this for a long time by the way. It's up to you when you drop the bullshit and start being serious.

I know, I know. If your typing skills are good, and if you have a reasonable knowledge of the language, and if you have the time (or are paid to), you can sit around and blab all day.

The point is, your blabbing is simply that, blabbing. Why? Because you can't seem to come up with any logical step-by-step rebutting of the proof that God exists.

The proof has step-by-step application of the scientific laws and evidences. But you haven't been able to rebut it. Poor baby. And like a baby, all you say is blabber. We're ready. Blab some more.

Dear apologist monkey, you have not provided any proof  and you became as annoying as a catholic priest in an orphanage. Get the fuck out of here before I hitchslap you and your whole cult of cat ass lickers and child molesters. I advice everyone to simply ignore or just insult this dumb monkey until he leaves or at least comes up with some new things instead of trying to repeat the same shit hoping that will make it true.

The fact that you are full of insults without anything to back them up, shows that you are simply another troll.

Still waiting for you to show some step-by-step rebuttal of the proof that God exists.

The fact that you can't, and especially that you can't even seem to try, shows that you are just another troll.

You destabilize your own position by calling the proof no proof at all. But if it weren't proof, you should be able to, at least, make a little start at rebuttal much easier that if you really thought it were proof.

So, thanks again for adding your support to the fact that God exists, even though it is grudging support.

Having fun, yet?  Cheesy

full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 103
April 19, 2017, 07:14:27 PM
You're a kinda sad specimen of humanity. At least stats and af_newbie attempt to break the proof for God down a little. More than likely you can't even read it. What? Does your mama browse the Internet for you? No step-by-step rebuttal of the proof at all!

I certainly support your yakety yak against me and the proof. Since you don't have anything except yakety yak, you are shown for what you are >>> a rambling stooge for some idiot group of idiot atheists. As Han Solo said, "Laugh it up, Fuzzball." All the way to idiot stardom.

We like it. We like it. Grin

Again, the proof for the existence of God links:

I would gladly attempt to break the proof of God if there was any. Assumptions and interpretations do not belong to the 'proof' section, they belong to the belief section. As a result, the shit that you keep on posting is not proof, it's something that you heard from Bob Dutko's cds and it needs no 'step-by-step rebuttal' (funny how you overuse exactly these words that Bob Dutko overuses when he's pissed off at people laughing at his moronic ideas). Also, you trying to become a bit aggressive is pathetic and only demonstrates how desperate you are in proving you own the truth. Exactly like any other apologist. My conclusion is and will be the same untill you come up with some decent stuff and stop acting like a bitchy, dumb apologist: fuck off and come back when you really thought about something. We can do this for a long time by the way. It's up to you when you drop the bullshit and start being serious.

I know, I know. If your typing skills are good, and if you have a reasonable knowledge of the language, and if you have the time (or are paid to), you can sit around and blab all day.

The point is, your blabbing is simply that, blabbing. Why? Because you can't seem to come up with any logical step-by-step rebutting of the proof that God exists.

The proof has step-by-step application of the scientific laws and evidences. But you haven't been able to rebut it. Poor baby. And like a baby, all you say is blabber. We're ready. Blab some more.

Dear apologist monkey, you have not provided any proof  and you became as annoying as a catholic priest in an orphanage. Get the fuck out of here before I hitchslap you and your whole cult of cat ass lickers and child molesters. I advice everyone to simply ignore or just insult this dumb monkey until he leaves or at least comes up with some new things instead of trying to repeat the same shit hoping that will make it true.
sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
April 19, 2017, 06:02:35 AM
All I've got say is God exists whether you like it or not.
sr. member
Activity: 294
Merit: 250
April 19, 2017, 05:09:40 AM

I have been talking about proof that God exists, and understanding that the earth is less than 7,000 years old. Look again at the mitochondrial evidence that shows that the earth is probably 6,000 to 6,500 years old. See the "Talking about Atheism..." thread at


Puddleduck you have never provided any semblance of proof.

You link to yourself as though that is empirical evidence, yet, your entire proof is based on assumptions.

You have never answered why no-one else uses your links as proof?

Is it because you are full of shit?

Activity: 103
Merit: 10
April 19, 2017, 04:38:36 AM
Adam and Eve is a strong proof that God exist. Because if He doesn't who amazingy created Adam and Eve? If that so there are also amazing things that cannot be conceive by our minds as a human beacause God is really powerful and He is God ,if all things about God can be conceive by our minds then He can't be called as God.

Adam and Eve are fictitious characters, there is no exact evidence of their existence. Man evolved from a monkey.
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