No human can offer any scientific proof he does exist any more than he does not exist even though a fool could see the design of both earth and the heavens could not have come from a disorderd existence.I believe faith or lack of it is what causes belief or non belief in such matters however I do have scientific proof that the majority of humans are sheeple who can be led in any direction once they are herded into groupthink but getting back to the question of God's existence does anyone not consider that the very fact we live on a planet that is suspended on nothing with a moon at an ideal distance and rotates at a specific angle on its axis which orbits in an elliptical way around the sun without coming too close or too distant in order to function in a manner that supports life is partial proof that if there is a God he is smarter than the planet of apes who now inhabit earth and seek to question his omnipotence?
Then on the flip side we have the divine fallacy argument.I can't figure this out, so a god must have done it. Or, This is amazing; therefore, a god did it. Or, I can't think of any other explanation; therefore, a god did it. Or, this is just too weird; so, a god is behind it but maybe faith is also a different form of reasoning that humans cannot understand and the scientific community would refer to any turning to such ideas to form conclusions when there are no other answers as non sequitir but isnt it said? "his ways are not our ways"
The universe acts like a complex machine.
All of our machines have intelligence behind them... our intelligence.
The Intelligence that is behind the machines of nature must be very great, because the machines of nature are way beyond ours.
The Japanese have made a few robots that can reproduce if we feed them materials and energy. Look at all the plant, animal and human robots all over the earth, reproducing in vast quantities, and having a good time doing so.
God is the Great Machine Maker.