Well, God does exists
We did not existed by accident nor did everything popped out from nowhere since nowhere is the vastness of the reality above and beyond making it too much to be impossible to come from nothing. Billions of years in the past and billions more to come came from the pop up menu?
If that is true, your God can't excist since it had to come from somewhere.
And if he didn't, then something can come from nothing.
It seems to me that nothing can't really be nothing without something else, relativistically speaking. And if there was only nothing, then that nothing is actually everything.
Besides, the whole idea of "nothing" has to do with the physics of this universe, which may be completely and absolutely a unit unto itself. I mean, if something outside the universe were recognizable by the universe, wouldn't it really be part of the universe?
God made the universe. He exists in His own realms that have nothing to do with the physics of our universe, except that He makes them to. This means that God can have always been. He has always existed. He had no beginning, and will have no end.
The eternalness of God has nothing to do with this universe. Things like beginning and end don't apply to Him. He is from the outside, and except that He allows it, we can't understand anything about Him because of how extremely different "extra-universal" things are from the universe.
I bet He can party
That's kinda what it is all about. When you are as powerful as He is, party takes on a whole new meaning. The thing is, parties aren't any fun if you are alone. And being as great as He is, He needs many people to party with.
That's why He made you. Don't turn Him down in His offer... fun for you and He at the big eternal party with billions (trillions?) of others. But if you DO turn Him down, no big deal. There are plenty of others who accept.
Well, you never mentioned that before. If there's plenty of weed, tequila, young willing pussy and pizza I'm all for it.
We don't know what it will be like. It will be a New Heavens and a New Earth. This means a new universe, with new physics, although it seems that some of the old physics will be incorporated into the new. Because of this, we don't know what kind of fun will be there, what kind of glory, what kind of joy. We have the promise of God that it will include glory and joy for us all.
With a change in the physics, there will also be a change in the laws.
I am guessing about this, but some of the things that we like in this life that are wrong, may be incorporated into the next life as good things. God is all powerful, and He has His ways and methods of doing things. He loves us all, but especially those who love Him.