
Topic: Scientific proof that God exists? - page 257. (Read 845582 times)

Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 02, 2015, 11:32:28 AM
I'd just realize there's an issue with reincarnation;

Let's assume reincarnation is real, then:

What purpouse does it serve taken you are unable to recall any of your past lives?!
Would be pretty much of an useless ability, won't it?
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
September 02, 2015, 11:19:44 AM
points to ponder... If we are made of normal particles... is god made of god particles?

That's an interesting idea. Does God have a physical form or not? If God does have a physical form does it have a gender? If it does have a gender and you had sex with it, would it be the best sex ever? lol

Personally, I believe God has a physical form. But, His physical form relates only to His Heaven of Heavens.

We relate only to the things of our universe, because that is all we can do. To us, the universe means everything, because we have been designed for it. "Outside of the universe," while a nice thought, doesn't make any logical sense to us, because for us, the universe is everything. Because of this, God is only visualized as a spirit by people.

I believe that because He made us in His image, that if we were "translated" to His Heaven of Heavens, we would recognize a physical form for Him. Remember, even in this world, the resurrected Jesus-God had a physical form that was physical, even though it was capable of doing things that ours are not.

Activity: 2156
Merit: 1393
You lead and I'll watch you walk away.
September 02, 2015, 09:58:37 AM
points to ponder... If we are made of normal particles... is god made of god particles?

That's an interesting idea. Does God have a physical form or not? If God does have a physical form does it have a gender? If it does have a gender and you had sex with it, would it be the best sex ever? lol
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 02, 2015, 04:39:24 AM
OMG! What sites are those? Made by Microsoft's Frontpage 97 fan club webmasters?!

Anyway, I love this study results! Fully peer-verifiable:

Patients with cardiac arrest: 2060
Went to full death experience: 1730

Of the survivals:

Too ill to reply to anything: 188
Thinks the doc was crazy: 2

Of the remaining 140:

Feel nothing, no memories: 85
Feel "something", have memories: 55

Out of those 55 more "esoteric":

Ruled out of NDE - too much accuracy didn't lost conscience: 46
Memories but none of which visual or auditive: 7
Full NDE with visual and auditive: 2

Of the 2 spiritual patients:
Ruled out due to lack of accuracy: 1
The master of all NDE: 1

So, your study got 1 result out of 2060 samples. This proves what? That 1:2060 people wears an used soul, or 1:2060 is better on making up stories?
The only time I fainted, speaking of personal experience, I felt... nothing. Just lights out, stop to feel my own weight and just remember to wake up... wasn't a NDE, but was the closest to it.

And I can't provide evidence, because it's impossible to provide evidence of what doesn't exist. That's what "negative proof" stands for.
I can't prove you don't reincarnate or go to heaven in the very same way you can't prove to me there's no Santa or there's no Bigfoot.
What I can say is that heavens cause a paradox, reincarnation doesn't, may be plausible but just due to the lack of logical arguments to deny.
Activity: 1001
Merit: 1005
September 02, 2015, 04:00:21 AM
points to ponder... If we are made of normal particles... is god made of god particles?
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 02, 2015, 03:50:59 AM
You didn't understand, did you?
What you've there isn't science, it's called pseudo-science and it's based upon "observations" and "deductions". The funny part is the peer-review claim and yet, past 48 years of the last claim no valid review exists. And if such exists then the kid will come speaking in Aramaic, Latin or other ancient language.  Grin
There are many reviews and replication studies of Stevenson's work; there is even detailed criticism, but it does not measure up to the weight of the strong cases.
In 1975, in a review of Stevenson's "Cases of the Reincarnation Type" in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Lester S. King concluded that Stevenson had "painstakingly and unemotionally collected a detailed series of cases in India, cases in which the evidence for reincarnation is difficult to understand on any other grounds....[H]e has placed on record a large amount of data that cannot be ignored."

In any case, one can run (further) experiments and investigations, or one can realize that the evidence (52 salient points) already merits a conclusion, and that a discovery is at hand. NDEs have already advanced the fields of philosophy (point #24), psychology (#21), and genomics (#20). People having NDEs have even brought back scientific discoveries (#19, #20)!

Because there already exists a substantial amount of anecdotal evidence supporting veridical perception [during a "Near-Death Experience"], it may only be a matter of time before hard, scientific evidence of an afterlife is found.

Even more importantly: Skeptical arguments against NDEs are not valid (#34-36, and others). NDEs support the reality of rebirth (#38). I conclude that the burden of proof has shifted to skeptics of an afterlife (#36).

It simply will not do to reject all qualitative observations. Many lines of evidence unite in supporting the reality of rebirth (#37). The rhetorical opinions of some NDE theories are presented as if they were scientific. Many skeptical arguments against the survival theory are actually arguments from pseudo-skeptics who often think they have no burden of proof. Pseudo-skeptical arguments are sometimes made that do not consider the entire body of circumstantial evidence supporting the possibility of survival or do not consider the possibility of new paradigms. Such pseudo-skeptical claims are often made without any scientific evidence.

Also, if the dying brain creates NDE illusions, what is the purpose for doing it? If our brains are only a high-tech computer-like lump of tissue which produces our mind and personality, why does it bother to create illusions at the time of death? Even if NDE elements can be reduced to only a series of brain reactions, this does not negate the idea that NDEs are more than a brain thing.

And about "old science is bad science", when it comes to medicine it is for sure! If you get a respiratory disease that 1967's doc would recommend you to start smoking 3 packages of Marlboro a day, and the 1922's one will give you some cocaine. Grin
Ah, but you are possibly unaware that medicine is not a science! So, old science does not necessarily make for bad science, these reincarnation studies can be replicated, and the lessons learned upon replication (check the literature) stimulate the self-correcting process and improve systematic controls in future studies, strengthening the quality of the evidence.

Here is an example of strong controls being implemented, the result is evidence of veridical perception during NDE which supports the hypothesis (survival), and shows that more research is merited in order to record even stronger evidence; this is science at its finest and there is nothing "funny" about it:

Quoting from the recent AWARE study:
"One case was validated and timed using auditory stimuli during cardiac arrest... [C]onsciousness and awareness appeared to occur during a three-minute period when there was no heartbeat. This is paradoxical, since the brain typically ceases functioning within 20-30 seconds of the heart stopping and doesn’t resume again until the heart has been restarted. Furthermore, the detailed recollections of visual awareness in this case were consistent with verified events."

“Thus, while it was not possible to absolutely prove the reality or meaning of patients’ experiences and claims of awareness, (due to the very low incidence (2 per cent) of explicit recall of visual awareness or so called OBE’s), it was impossible to disclaim them either and more work is needed in this area. Clearly, the recalled experience surrounding death now merits further genuine investigation without prejudice.”

That site reminds me of CBS Reality shows about paranormal activity. Always dots filmed with a very old camcorder and interferences caught with old radios... guess the ghosts don't like HD and digital recording...  Roll Eyes
Surprise! There does exist Supporting Material in the Form of Direct Evidence
Transcommunication is an umbrella term used for many types of trans-etheric influence. Visual and audible forms of Instrumental TransCommunication (ITC) produce important forms of objective evidence.
The fact of anomalous voices and images is well-established and mundane explanations have not explained their existence. In some instances, visual ITC images have been identified as clearly indicating a known discarnate person. The nature of EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) is better understood and they provide most of the supporting evidence for survival. Common characteristics of EVP that indicate intelligent interaction with an aware personality include direct response to questions, comments about local activity and reference to prior activity.
The direct implication of ITC is that the communicating personality is the same as that of the person while still in a lifetime, but now operating under different circumstances.
It is easily seen how TransCommunication relates to what is often referred to as the best evidence for survival--OBE, NDE, reincarnation, and mediumship. Check the ethericstudies site for more details on ITC, perhaps after you have reviewed the 52 points on the near-death site (especially point #49).
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 02, 2015, 01:50:05 AM
You didn't understand, did you?
What you've there isn't science, it's called pseudo-science and it's based upon "observations" and "deductions". The funny part is the peer-review claim and yet, past 48 years of the last claim no valid review exists. And if such exists then the kid will come speaking in Aramaic, Latin or other ancient language.  Grin

And about "old science is bad science", when it comes to medicine it is for sure! If you get a respiratory disease that 1967's doc would recommend you to start smoking 3 packages of Marlboro a day, and the 1922's one will give you some cocaine. Grin

That site reminds me of CBS Reality shows about paranormal activity. Always dots filmed with a very old camcorder and interferences caught with old radios... guess the ghosts don't like HD and digital recording...  Roll Eyes
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 02, 2015, 12:28:33 AM
1967...  Roll Eyes
Guess we will have to wait for the next batch of children to born to repeat the experience. Oh, wait!...
 Roll Eyes

Still waiting for an atheist to form a rational reply to the evidence; by no means is your reply a criticism of Dr. Stevenson's research.

It does not matter when a scientific study is done; this is one study of many that I referenced, and if you think that old science is bad science, then you have another think coming!

By the way, if you had done some reading, you would have seen this text in the very same point that was referenced:

On June 11, 1992, at Princeton University, Dr. Ian Stevenson presented a paper entitled: "Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons" providing scientific evidence suggestive of reincarnation which was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. These findings support reincarnation in NDE research findings as well.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 01, 2015, 11:21:04 PM
1967...  Roll Eyes
Guess we will have to wait for the next batch of children to born to repeat the experience. Oh, wait!...
 Roll Eyes
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 01, 2015, 11:17:26 PM
Religious pricks from the XX Century, that seeks to fit their data into their agenda?
I can provide maybe 1000 "points" from the XIX Century stating the same! Leave alone those of XVIII Century.

The only point that site makes, is that looks like an obituary and most likely many of those "docs" are already experiencing a PDE (Post Death Experience).

Excuse me? This thread is about science and evidence, and I have yet to see a rational reply from you.

Reincarnation has been called by some to be the greatest unknown scientific discovery today. In the last chapter of Dr. Ian Stevenson's book entitled Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation (1967), he provides rigorous scientific reasoning to show how reincarnation is the only viable explanation that fits the facts of his study. He considers every possible alternative explanation for his twenty cases of young children who were spontaneously able to describe a previous lifetime as soon as they learned to talk. He was able to rule out each alternative explanation using one or more aspects of these cases. Later research has even bolstered his case in favor of the existence of reincarnation. His study is also completely reproducible which means that anybody who doubts the validity of this study is perfectly welcome to repeat it for themselves. I believe it is only a short matter of time before his discovery of the existence of reincarnation is finally realized by the scientific community and the world to be accepted as one of the greatest scientific discoveries of all time.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 01, 2015, 11:04:18 PM
Religious pricks from the XX Century, that seeks to fit their data into their agenda?
I can provide maybe 1000 "points" from the XIX Century stating the same! Leave alone those of XVIII Century.

The only point that site makes, is that looks like an obituary and most likely many of those "docs" are already experiencing a PDE (Post Death Experience).
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Activity: 210
Merit: 100
copper member
Activity: 2562
Merit: 2510
Spear the bees
September 01, 2015, 05:46:57 PM
If there is no meaning in life without afterlife, then there is no meaning in afterlife without afterlife-life.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 01, 2015, 10:26:52 AM

Absence of evidence != proof

We've no clue what other animals dreams with, we just know they do. So you just assume they don't dream of their death by any reason?
Chimps are now in a human-equivalent stone age, in a few thousand years they can evolve to a complex society as we do.

And what about near-death? You hallucinate if one of the basic needs of your brain is short, what does that prove? Nothing! We've many "miracles" and "apparitions" around the planet from people under severe deprivation or drug effects, but we may notice that never Jesus appeared to a Muslim as never Muhammad does to a Christian.

There are things we do not know, and for those maybe one day we will, maybe not. But the best thing to do about it is to assume: we don't know, other than come out with far fetched "it was Godly" arguments.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 01, 2015, 04:12:34 AM
The Reality and Presence of Sananda (One WITH God) is explained in Chapter 2 of Journal #32; it is well worth it to read the entire chapter; here are some brief quotations to introduce the content:

You have historically chosen to label me as "Jesus" or the "Christ" and or----! I simply AM. But what did I come forth to tell you as that entity sent from my own Creator? Well, I came to tell you of the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, what men must do to prepare for it and a type of "salvation" through knowledge of the Truth and Presence of God. The message has been entangled and falsely presented but it is the only lasting historical record of which you retain continuity. There is so much of my journey that you have not been allowed to share and KNOW--but that, too, is now coming forth for the time is at hand for the KNOWING.


I realize that words spoken--for all was put to notes by human (I never wrote and writing was difficult at its very best)--were sometimes ambiguous and contradictory. That is why I am come forth now for in the centuries of interim perception Man has been taught incorrectly. Things such as the Kingdom will come and "it is already here" is a bit of a contradiction. The prophecy of world's end and Kingdom of Heaven relates to a cosmic event. It relates to the world but it is the event by which the world ceases to be, in intervention in history, whereby history is broken off. The Kingdom of God is neither world nor history, nor is it this world's hereafter. It is something entirely different.
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Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 01, 2015, 01:23:21 AM
Hi BADecker, I am using Christ as a name to more easily communicate, but it is incorrect since Christ is not a name, it is a state of emotional sanctity and goodness according to the golden rule. Remember what Sananda said: "It is not my being which has any merit--it is my oneness with Creator which is represented in your language as 'Christ Knowing'"

You say that Jesus is savior but I have no proof of your claim. That's okay. You wouldn't accept the proof if it came right up to you and bit you in the eye. That's because no one can save another, no one can take responsibility for another; to be blessed, one has to meditate on God's law day and night (Psalms 1).
Was this "man", Jesus--THE WAY? No, that is not what he said. He said that through the CHRIST way was the only passage to our Father. And now, we don't even REMEMBER the way.

You say that the Bible is inerrant but I have not seen the proof. Religion isn't about proof. It is about strong evidence. I have provided evidence that souls are reborn (e.g. Dr. Stevenson's research); we get more than just one life here. I have strong evidence that everything in the Journals is absolute truth and confirmed, and while you claim I will go to Hell, I pronounce nothing "on" you except to say that the world is in chaos and mainstream Christian wisdom hasn't worked. Your ancient book leaves much to be desired, for example it has confused everyone about "I and my father are one" when really there is NO NEED to be confused about this; Christ came to show us the way, he could not "save" anyone because each soul must be responsible for saving itself (Psalms 1).

You say that I am going to hell and that I am destroying myself, but how is that so? How many times do I have to tell you this? If you won't accept the work Jesus Christ did for you on the cross, you will never get into Heaven! I don't think Christ ever said anything like that, and how can another man do my work for me anyway? If I meditate on God's law day and night, THEN I will be blessed (Psalms 1).

You say that the journals are false but how exactly would that work? How many times do I have to tell you this? If anything expresses a way to Heaven other than through Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross, it is falsehood. How can I save myself just through a belief? That is magical thinking! Your claim is not different from saying "think positively and you will manifest everything you could desire". Actually, the truth is that you cannot be blessed unless you meditate upon the law of God day and night (Psalms 1).

You say that jesus saves us but to me this sounds like magical thinking. You are so funny.  Cheesy  The Journals express way more magic-like thinking than the Bible ever could. The Journals are open truth; your Bible has all kinds of hidden messages, and it has been rewritten, and Paul's teachings were added, and you posit a hidden (occult) motive to explain why Jesus said "they say as much" at his trial. God is open, the truth is laid bare in the Journals, and your only issue with them is that they contradict the doctrine of Paul. Like I said, Christian Gnosticism has an equal claim to authentic faith, having grown up alongside the mainstream, and the first Christians were merely Jews who believed that Emmanuel was the Jewish Messiah, and this is confirmed by modern scholarship on the subject. If there is magic or mysticism in the Journals, you would have to point it out to me explicitly as I have found none. The main point of the Journals is to explain to you the Laws (Journal #27) and then you can be blessed because now you have the Laws upon which you can meditate day and night (Psalms 1).

You uttered a contradiction about free will, and did not clarify, so to me it sounds like you are spreading confusion. Since you haven't mentioned the supposed contradiction, everybody who reads this totally accepts as truth the thing you say - NOT. Post 5341.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
September 01, 2015, 12:42:32 AM
I am not a monkey; I am a soul, and I have a body. I have asked atheists in this thread to rationally evaluate the evidence for life after death. Where is your rational response?

Evidence of life after death and corresponding proof of God:

Afterlife?! Soul?!
Afterlife drags you to the afterlife paradox: You would need to die in that life after life, or the place will be overcrowded. No matter if you believe that you go to the Magical Tropical Island of the Christians or to the "Fuckdise" of Muslims. And not only such place would be overcrowded as you would be sharing your space with people from ancient times, even ISIL makes better neighbors than them!
The religions believing on reincarnation are the only ones not falling to this paradox, all "paradise-based" ones do.

This is not about religion, the survival hypothesis is about scientific evidence and observations that supports the survival of some part of the personality. It is a well-defined and well-verified hypothesis, it escapes such paradoxes and all you must do is evaluate the evidence for yourself; I have linked 52 points for your review.

As for soul, what do you call it or why do you think you've it and other animals don't? You dream? Well, sorry to break your supremacist belief there, other animals dream too.
And do other animals also have death-bed visions, verifiable past-life memories, veridical near-death experiences, etc.? Again, a review of the evidence is helpful.

For all that science can tell you (and me or anyone else from this planet reading this) are an animal, part of the Animalia kingdom, and despite the cognitive abilities, not biologically different from many other species of mammals.
You are ignoring the study of consciousness, it is obvious that you have not read the evidence in any detail; I have provided you with scientific references; you can start with the research of Dr. Stevenson for it is particularly strong.

"Rub your ego" is part of the scam, not only religious scam, but scams in general. All scammers will use your vanity, will tell you "how smart and lucky you are" by join their rig, the very same way religions tells you to be "crown of creation", "son of God", "chosen people"...
Honestly, I think your ego is getting in the way of your review of the evidence; kindly consider all 50+ points and get back to me:
Activity: 26
Merit: 0
August 31, 2015, 11:18:03 PM

This guys say you can meet your dead relatives in heaven....sure you want to?
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
August 31, 2015, 11:01:24 PM
I am not a monkey; I am a soul, and I have a body. I have asked atheists in this thread to rationally evaluate the evidence for life after death. Where is your rational response?

Evidence of life after death and corresponding proof of God:

Afterlife?! Soul?!
Afterlife drags you to the afterlife paradox: You would need to die in that life after life, or the place will be overcrowded. No matter if you believe that you go to the Magical Tropical Island of the Christians or to the "Fuckdise" of Muslims. And not only such place would be overcrowded as you would be sharing your space with people from ancient times, even ISIL makes better neighbors than them!
The religions believing on reincarnation are the only ones not falling to this paradox, all "paradise-based" ones do.

As for soul, what do you call it or why do you think you've it and other animals don't? You dream? Well, sorry to break your supremacist belief there, other animals dream too.

For all that science can tell you (and me or anyone else from this planet reading this) are an animal, part of the Animalia kingdom, and despite the cognitive abilities, not biologically different from many other species of mammals.
"Rub your ego" is part of the scam, not only religious scam, but scams in general. All scammers will use your vanity, will tell you "how smart and lucky you are" by join their rig, the very same way religions tells you to be "crown of creation", "son of God", "chosen people"...
Activity: 3906
Merit: 1373
August 31, 2015, 08:08:15 PM
You say that Jesus is savior but I have no proof of your claim. That's okay. You wouldn't accept the proof if it came right up to you and bit you in the eye.
You say that the Bible is inerrant but I have not seen the proof. Religion isn't about proof. It is about strong evidence.
You say that I am going to hell and that I am destroying myself, but how is that so? How many times do I have to tell you this? If you won't accept the work Jesus Christ did for you on the cross, you will never get into Heaven!
You say that the journals are false but how exactly would that work? How many times do I have to tell you this? If anything expresses a way to Heaven other than through Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross, it is falsehood.
You say that jesus saves us but to me this sounds like magical thinking. You are so funny.  Cheesy  The Journals express way more magic-like thinking than the Bible ever could.
You uttered a contradiction about free will, and did not clarify, so to me it sounds like you are spreading confusion. Since you haven't mentioned the supposed contradiction, everybody who reads this totally accepts as truth the thing you say - NOT.

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