God exists. Science proves it with 3 simple science laws.
1. Cause and effect exists within everything. There is no evidence that pure random exists. Newton made it into his 3rd law.
2. There is great complexity in the universe. The brain and mind of man is exceedingly complex. Yet there is no clear evidence of where the complexity comes from.
3. In everything we see entropy - the wearing out, tearing down, eroding, dying. Even the things that we see that are new and fresh, gain their newness at the expense of some other things that lose even more. In fact, if the universe were eternal, it would have worn down to a blah-blah equilibrium long ago.
The only way we can put this universe together in the light of the above three laws is that the universe was set in place by Something that is extremely intelligent beyond the understanding of mankind. Something like that fits the dictionary definition of "God."
Religion is simply the attempt to find out what God and/or this complex universe are all about.
"God" is scientific fact.
"Religion" needs to be taken on faith.
You just took three mysteries of the universe, and made up the cause of it all. None of those three 'laws' (which aren't really) imply any sort of greater power or 'god'
You better check your science. Cause and effect, and entropy are two basic scientifically know fundamentals of universe activity. The fact of great complexity existing in the universe is self evident. It is found all around us, but especially in the human brain and the human mind.
For complexity to exist through the universal operation of cause and effect (we don't see anything other than cause and effect making things work), whatever started cause and effect - started the universe - must have been even more complex than the complexity of the universe.
The universe can't simply have always been. Why not? The fact of entropy would have turned the universe into a state of universal equilibrium throughout, long ago, equilibrium that held little or no complexity whatsoever.
Either you haven't thought about it, or you simply want to ignore it. The thing that started the universe matches our dictionary definition of the word "God."
Regardless - the mere fact we can create worlds in videogames, and 'create' (support really) life in petri dishes - who's to say we aren't the ones being programmed?
We don't create anything. We don't even have free will. The appearance of both, free will and personal creation are there, but they are fictions. Why? Because of cause and effect. Something caused us to create and to have free will. It may have been the combined actions of bio-chemical and bio-electrical activity in our bodies, activity stimulated by the food we ate, which was grown because of the heat of the sun, etc., etc.
The point is, we create and feel free will because of cause and effect. Scientifically speaking, we have neither creating ability nor free will.
EDIT: We MAY have free will and creative ability. But if we do, it is because God sustains it. Scientifically speaking, there isn't any free will or creative ability.