Your books distract from the truth of the work Jesus Christ did on the cross. They distract from the fact that He arose from the dead, and sits on the Father's throne at the Father's right hand. They distract from the fact of this only way to be saved.
Christ never said "I, Jesus, am the Son of God". IN FACT AT HIS TRIAL WHEN ASKED IF HE WAS GOD HE SAID, “THEY say as much.”
If your Bible says that Jesus Christ is God--it errs. It should say that the one returning will wear a new name and the name will be the Word which is God--would this not indicate that possibly the Christed energy will have had to grow in His own right to achieve the bearing of the new name? That is, is it not just possible that the name might be Sananda--the WORD WHICH IS GOD!?
Jesus called Himself the son of man in reference to the way Ezekiel was called. Ezekiel was a "type" of Christ. The people recognized that Jesus was God by the actions of healing, and stilling the winds and the waves, and turning water into wine that He did.
Solomon said it is better for someone else to praise you than for you to praise yourself.
During His trial, just before His crucifixion, Jesus said words to the effect that in the future we would see the son of man seated at the right hand of God.
Several times Jesus referred to the time when He would judge the world.
All you need to do is to Google words like "Is Jesus God?" to find all kinds of proofs that Jesus is God listed in the Bible. How much closer to expressing Himself as God can Jesus come than the time that He said, "I and the Father are One?"
Either you believe it or you don't. But the fact is that the Bible New Testament repeatedly says that Jesus is God.