Go to hell instead, you'll get kinkier sex with succubi there according to Christian logic
Look around and you can find people of all ages who are not that interested in sex. Some of these are unhealthy. Others are simply interested in other things. They get pleasure from other things. They may be few in number, but they are among us. The point? For our benefit and His, God designed sex to be pleasurable. He could have done it other ways. He could have made other things more pleasurable than sex.
We don't know what we will be in Heaven. My guess (AND THIS IS ONLY GUESS) is that we will have a form in the physics of Heaven that will make us similar in many ways to it, as we are now to the physics of this universe. In other words, I think we will have a body something like this one, but without any weakness whatsoever.
Will there be sex in Heaven? We don't know. The thing that there won't be is marrying and giving in marriage. There will be joy - I dare say, pleasure. It will be better than any pleasure we experience here in this universe. But, like as some of the people here enjoy other things more than sex, perhaps the things that we all enjoy there will have nothing to do with sex. But who cares? The big point is, we will have more joy, and even pleasure, than we could ever experience here, even in the best of sex.
The reason that Jesus was willing to die on the cross for the sins and mistakes of the whole world is, the joys He receives in Heaven for doing it are so much greater than the pains of punishment and death for the whole world, that there is great benefit for Him in doing it. In fact, while He wants all people to be saved for Heaven, the pleasures of Heaven make it worth it to let the ones go who simply won't allow themselves to be saved.
You might laugh at this, but think hard, 'cause if you don't make it, the greater loss won't be sitting in the fire of Hell for eternity. The greater loss will be missing out on the joys of Heaven for eternity.
But did you realize that everything you say are guesses? Because you dont provide any phisical evidence. Why do you think in history class we dont learn the history of god? Or jesus? Because there is no history at all because they dont exist.
If god exists why would he decieve us giving us this logic thoughts and rationality