Responding in order:
1) It's not getting the info across. You've described the information there in three distinct ways -- by your own description, the information there is proof, evidence but not proof, and information that points to evidence.
Is that how you're trying to win the debate, by making your position *every* position so that, no matter what is said, you're always correct?
Please leave me and "we" out of it. You are responsible for your own logical mistakes.
3) The scientist in me recognizes that the information contained in your link does *not* prove God -- not even close.
Remember again that:
a) Science cannot conclude upon that which cannot be directly observed.
b) By definition, an intelligent designer cannot be directly observed.
c) Therefore, science cannot
So, again, it is an absolute, logical impossibility for scientific evidence to constitute proof for God's existence.
Quit calling that garbage "proof."
Thank you for explaining the precise reason that Big Bang, age of the universe, evolution-produces-life, black holes, dark matter and energy, parallel universes, chaos, and quantum anything, are all theories.
The point remains. The evidence expressed at is proof that God exists.
I'm thinking that BADecker has been simply trolling the entire time. If you don't understand BADecker, just say so.
The joint is saying that you cannot prove God's existence and vice versa, through science. It is impossible, and he is correct.