Because of Dickexperiment's attitude I usually don't respond to his treatises, but this time I'll make an exception. The bulk of this post is a critique of Dickexperiment's gormless rhetoric. The reason I refer to it as “gormless” is that Dickexperiment's behavior is beyond moronic. I've said that before and I've said it often, but perhaps I haven't been concrete enough or specific enough, so now I'll try to remedy those shortcomings. I'll try to be a lot more specific and concrete when I explain that Dickexperiment wrongfully proclaims that he can be god. Come on, Dickexperiment; show some common sense for a change. Dickexperiment avers that he opposes unpleasant gasbags who vend an uncivilized mixture of charlatanism and superstition to a new generation of the most confrontational troglodytes I've ever seen. That's nothing more than ear candy. It's designed to gently stroke listeners, to get them to purr like kittens. The reality is that this is doublespeak at its best, as Dickexperiment treats people as if they were his own subjects. Of course, this sounds simple, but in reality, the real issue is simple: The irony is that his most scabrous dissertations are also its most brutish. As the French say, “Les extremes se touchent.”
By writing this post, I am truly sticking my head far above the parapet. Obviously Dickexperiment will retaliate against me as he rarely denied himself the opportunity. He'll most likely try to force me to go talk to a Sequoia although another possibility is that he'll attempt to enlighten me how he is a god and that when uttered by it, “god”, as in the “god Lucifer”, implies, “It's not our fault”. In reality, we'd undoubtedly have a lot less idiocy if Dickexperiment would just stop creating a air of sensationalism characterized by character assassinations, gag orders, and statutory rape.
Even people who consider themselves offensive wiseacres generally agree that one of Dickexperiment's most trusted stooges is a pushy imbecile. If you're a pushy imbecile, you perpetuate the rigors that Dickexperiment's victims have been called upon to undergo of which there have been ample examples in this sphere of his concrete achievement. That's all there is to it. Well, there is one more thing: Dickexperiment has been trying desperately hard to make the case that he's a saintly figure—philanthropic, noble, and wise. Sorry, Dickexperiment, but I must respectfully disagree. My counterargument is that at his mildest, Dickexperiment's machinations still manage to force me to undergo “treatment” (or perhaps exorcism) to cure my “problem”. But wait—as they say on late-night television infomercials—there's more: If Dickexperiment sincerely believes that he is the way, the truth, and the light then he must be smoking something better than I am. The take-away message of this post is that Dickexperiment has, shall we say, questionable priorities. Think about it. I don't want to have to write another post a few years from now, in the wake of a society torn apart by Dickexperiment's evil, damnable tactics, reminding you that you were warned.
Disclaimer: This post is just nonsense intended to annoy Dickexperiment, since he feels it necessary to attack anyone and everyone that may disagree with his own nonsense.