I have a star map on the wall behind my monitor. everyday, I see above, even when it's cloudy. I really wish this site would allow images by hosting them instead of third party image hosts, I mean, come on, I have countless proof in the guise of images, and wont use third party site's..
The best one is a drawing I made to show my kids what I think is what.
Before I continue, I must point out to my dearest BADecker, like I did previously in this thread:
The first rite's held by freemasonry is documented in the book of enoch.. there, if your book is your proof, go check it out.
I mentioned earlier that there is something wrong with the birth of jesus, not so much the birth of an individual, but the allegory.
I go to egypt. I stand at the entrance to the complex beneath the pyramid. The Sphinx. I traverse the labyrinth until I succeed in finding the pyramid that can take me to any of three hidden chambers. Am I a king? I go to the kings chamber. Am I a Queen? I go to the queens chamber.. Do I know who my guardian spirit is? No? I go to the undergound chamber that ends in a wall. Only when I use the key of the seven, will the pathway 'fall' - or open for me.
So mary and joseph went east to biet-le-hem, following a star. The three wise men followed the same star. This star is SIRIUS, (OSIRUS) the star on the chest of the constellation CANIS MAJOR, which is an image of a DOG. Proof the Sphinx is a dog, is found in the first photo's taken when (i'll get his name soon) someone asked "what do you see?" - The Reply? "Wonderfull things" - The first photo's show a dog sitting on a box. This is the origional image of the sphinx, albeit, on a smaller scale. Interestingly, most people dont know how to use their eye's.. if anyone paid any attention to the sphinx what-so-ever, they will notice the ground around the sphinx 'ENCLOSURE' is at a slant, the same angle of slant that the statue (anubis) found has. This slant in the enclosure makes the sphinx appear to look below the horizon. Place this smaller statue of the sphinx side by side to the real one, and you will see the truth, that being, the sphinx is a dog. It seems mary and joseph knew this, for they followed the dog star to bethlehem. As did the three wise men, them being the human interpretation of Orions belt. What I been saying, all along, is this:
We traverse the labyrinth from the sphinx (CANIS MAJOR) which takes us to the pyramid(s) representing the three wise men (Orions Belt). From there, we go BACK to the sphinx, who points the way across the nile (Milky Way), which they must cross using the constellation CARINA (boat pits of egypt).. My only problem here, is that, as mentioned earlier, the three wise men, are now being chased west by the dog. WHY?
Because the earth USED to go in the opposite direction.
Velakovski takes over at this point
All hail Sequoia!!! We are not worthy!!
If the STORY of jesus's birth is true, it MUST have happened before we lost an elder brother up there.. an event so massive it affected the earth's balance, causing floods.. nah, it's all wrong.. jesus must have been born 8000 years earlier than claimed.
Wow.. despite having the very image on my hard drive, I cant believe google wont show the actual picture of anubis I need as proof.. crazy shit..
Try this:
Notice they try to cover up the truth? Is'nt anubis sitting at a slant? This is clearly intended, I mean, come on, the same angle as the sphinx enclosure? Every photo of this statue is taken at an angle that would HIDE the slant the dog rest's on. As is the sphinx. Apart from the one required, that google cant find, the side on pic.. check this:
As I see it, the statue of the Sphinx (Anubis) sit's on a RAISED at the front platform. The SPHINX Also sit's on a slanted platform, only, if this is true, then the entire landmass of egypt has shifted, so as to make the sphinx APPEAR to look below the horizon, when in fact, it should be the same degree ABOVE the horizon. Look at the first pic.. slanted up, the second? Look at the background, yeah, they do attempt to hide this 'slope' Anubis sit's on..
Again, you heard it here first.. now then, what about the giants..?
Do you see the detail cut into the face of the current Sphinx? The ancient Egyptians did all their work in detail.
The legs of the Sphinx are lion legs. Look up any picture of the sphinx, and you will see. If the Sphinx had originally been meant to be a dog, the Egyptians would have cut dog legs out of the rock.