You only ''proved'' that those things indicate there is a creator/creators, nothing in your ''proof'' indicates that it has to be your particular god and not multiple gods, maybe aliens, maybe something else. So your proof, again, does not show it's god.
Well, no. That's not all.
The fact that entropy hasn't turned everything into dissipated simplicity, shows that there was a Beginning to the universe, and that it wasn't too far in the past, cosmically speaking.
Combine this with the fact that we haven't found anything that comes into existence, spontaneously, without something bringing it into existence - in fact, spontaneous generation without a source doesn't even make sense in our universe - shows that the universe had something else as its "starter..." something other than itself.
This means that the Starter of the universe was not something within the universe. Since It was not within the universe at the time It started the universe - except that It might have injected part of Itself into the universe exactly at the time It started the universe - shows that it was "outside" the universe.
What does outside-the-universe mean? It means that we know nothing about it. Why? Because we know things according to the way the universe works... not according to something that has no properties of the universe. We don't know if It (the Creator) is a being. We don't know if It has complexity. We don't know if It has more than one unit. We don't even know if the terms "one" or "multiple" even fit something outside. The only thing we know is "outside."
Outside is one. There are not two outsides with regard to us. All we understand about whatever is outside the universe is that it is outside. One. Outside.
My particular God is the God Who started the universe. He/It is outside >>> One.
Of course He/It is alien. The only way He/It would not be completely alien, is that He/It has ascribed some of His/Its qualities to within the universe... at least in artificial form. If He/It had ascribed all of His/Its qualities to within, then He/It would totally be part of the universe, and science might be able to track Him/It down, someday.
But having been "outside" at the time He/It created the universe shows our God to be ONE. Did you catch that? He/It is your God, too, even though you barely recognize Him/It. Why? Because He/It created the stuff that you are made of, just like all of the rest of the stuff of the universe.
Scientific proof that God exists! Case closed.
Was that like a game of words or ?
''What does outside-the-universe mean? It means that we know nothing about it.''
''We don't know if It has more than one unit. We don't even know if the terms "one" or "multiple" even fit something outside.''
''My particular God is the God Who started the universe.''
Extremely conflicting statements right there. You say we don't know anything about what's outside the universe (in fact science doesn't even know if there can be something outside) but then you claim to know your god is the one that created the universe, do you not see the flawed logic in this? A kid would.