BADecker, you still seem to miss the point.. freemasonry is starving everyone, and going as far as allowing the murder of kids in the name of your god. I believe in god, just not JaBaalOn, get it, these scummy masons are everywhere, and I have noticed you condone this type of worship.. imagine.. the devil and his followers steal YOUR religion, as well as many others, and you take it out on those starving for not taking part in, or going against the likes of a cop shooting a kid in a kids park where he should be safe.. when I mention I may need a baseball bat, you suggest to me to buy a gun to defend whatever, this is your mentality, you claim to believe in god, but run at the first sign of the truth. Your country is dominated by freemasonry, not catholic, not protestant, not episcopalian etc, but freemasonry, known for devil worship, as is evidenced by the fact your schools are now being given your devils literature.. yeah dumb fuck, keep sellin your societie's wickedness, because we know the truth.. I do believe in a higher scource, but you keep goin round and round in circles saying your god is more powerful. NO HE IS NOT. Your masonic brethren are.
You condone the actions of police shooting whomever thay can, you condone starving, and continue to quote from posts I make, not god. Go fuck yourself you condescending scum bag. Seems you are a theif with no respect for other people's work, by plagarising the very person you argue with, while telling people that if we dont worship your mithraic god who is known to demand child sacrifice.. get it yet?
Each time I post the truth becomes clearer and clearer.. You allow freemasonry to kill in YOUR gods name, but wont accept responsibility for your own words? Is that because you you steal mine thinking because I said them you are ok to plagarise, or yet another attack on someone who worships a better god than that which is doing nothing but promoting the occult (devil's) science's? Seems you only use what you need to to make it out like god actually cares for you, when in fact, people are being starved by your societies rulers.. if the laws of man prevent people growing food, then you have no argument blaming the poor for starving, when in fact it is the only way you and your kind can get a homeless person to come to church.. first, create laws that starve the people into begging for help by attending food banks run by guess who, the church, then put them back out on the street, so they can come back the next day, making the church look like it actually has a purpose.. but the laws preventing people growing their OWN food by GODS decree is illegal, and you condone this?
Keep in mind my friend, this is a world wide forum, and all I am doing is putting into words the real reason people are rising up against people like you, and everyone else who condones this devils work, all under the name JaBaalOn, proving YOUR second coming, as is written in the bible, is of Mamon, while freemasonry will decry everyone, as is evidenced in this thread by the only folks you actually get a response from, who also act in the exact same way as you, or is it you copying them, in decrying the one person who knows the real god cannot have a name, which in turn gives him a life span, proving he is not eternal.. yeah, you support freemasonry's evil through and through, it is written of throughout this thread..
The next time you copy my work, you will be taken to court for copyright violation, just to bring this entire thread to the worlds attention in a court of law, which in turn will put freemasonry in the dock. You idiot. but then you know this.. God is on my side, because I am starving, and letting you and your kind know, but you say it's my fault? No it is not. If however I remain a law abiding citizen, and seek out food, I will have no choice but to attend some CHARITY, governed by freemasonry to get food correct? Go on, deny it... and since CHARITY, being governed by freemasonry is clearly governed by followers of JABAALON, how do you suppose it's my fault? I took god into my heart ya fuckin bam, and I'm still fuckin starvin.. so no, your god cannot feed me, because your masonic brethren have STOLEN his lands that we would use to grow our own food in the way you say it should be.. this is why I can speak HIS truths, but you cant, you think your god is a miracle worker that will make food come from anywhere else?
I know god will make you suffer for taking his name in vain.. I will be fine, because I know that only freemasons have freezers full of un-genetically modified bullshit in their homes.. as for the rest of the homeless.. we are coming, be warned.. we are comin NOW.
Just to remind you:
"If God really exists, where is he?"
"Well then, who made God?"
"Isn't a belief in God just that, a belief?"
"How can faith be scientific?"
"Can you really 'prove' God mathematically?"
"If God exists, why do so many intelligent scientists say he doesn't?"
"If God exists, why does he allow all the pain and suffering?"
"But the Bible got science wrong" (No, it did not. This CD shows how the Bible actually reveals scientific facts long before these facts were discovered by science)"
My answers:
1: Everywhere (apparently)
2: No-one was around to make him/her
3: No, it is not a belief, but faith in the hope of.. Edit: Charity
4: Do I have faith in that if I put my fingers in an electrical socket, I will get a fright.. No. I know I'll get a shock..
5: No, but can prove spirituality, which in turn is cause and effect.. by knowing the effect, you commit to the cause, or you dont.
6: Because they are all freemasons and back up each others lies, just look at how many cops get away with murder, by shooting kids.. their brethren back them up wether right OR wrong.. Edit: In the name of god.
7: He is not a physical presence on this sphere, so has no physical influence barring those who believe in him, not realising they are his hands, that stand idly by while no:6 is allowed to take place.. in effect, his hands are evil by allowing such attrocities to continue, and hence, his followers that do nothing are also evil. Edit: This is clearly mentioned in the bible.
8: The bible never mentions science that I am aware of.
As long as your private security guards continue to kill unarmed people, you will never sell god.. idiot..