I believe in God. I don't think it is essential to have a Scientific proof that God exists.
Everything in science revolves around evidence. Many scientific "facts" have been proven wrong over the years, when other scientific facts proved them wrong.
We don't live in a vacuum. We don't simply pick a fictional thing to believe in, and then simply believe. Rather, we look at the evidence, and when the evidence is not sufficient to be proof, we either believe, or we don't believe. When the evidence becomes so overwhelmingly absolute, we stop believing, because there is proof. We no longer believe. Rather, we know.
This is why the religions almost always talk about faith. It has to do with something for which there is strong evidence. Yet the evidence isn't something that quite makes it to the area of proof.
This is the exact reason why scientific beliefs that old age earth is a fact, and that evolution is a fact, are really religious beliefs. There seems to be strong evidence for these scientific ideas. Yet there isn't enough evidence to make them
facts. So, when we hold to them, it is by belief, faith that they are true. This kind of science is essentially religion.
What's interesting is, when you stand science next to God, God is much stronger from a religious point of view, at least regarding the age of the earth and where life comes from.