Is it not funny to you that God would define himself and then man ignores that definition?
I think it is a big hint for man.
Maybe I've missed the boat somewhere, please, enlighten me, what is his - oops, my bad, 'the bibles' definition of this creator?
Sure, it is in Exodus 3:14 (LINK)
Links are no good, if you have a point, lemme hear it from you!!
Edit: So, God is: I AM.
Well, test time:
I have seen the image of the alpha/omega in my younger days' dreams. It is like everything fit's in the pinhole, as is described in the 'eye of the needle' allegory. It is like, at one point I was smaller than a grain of sand, then expanded in my universe, my time in that universe expired, and I was expelled from that into this world. Kinda like being born, only the vision was not only real, it occured over and over.. if god is the alpha and omega, I can draw the image. Best way to draw it would be to draw a picture of a tear. The top of the tear is the smallest space in existance, and everything without this point is sucked in like a black hole.. but the feeling.. wow.. if that's god, I know of bigger.
I edited this while you were typing, so brought it down a bit.. anyone else had the dream like see the world in a grain of sand?