People 'need' God or a type of 'relation to something greater' to fill in a type of emotional void they are experiencing - they do it to justify that 'their loved ones' aren't gone and that 'we must certainly see them again too when we die!', which is naive and gullible - your personality and traits are predetermined from your environment and your genetic material - ergo you come back every century or so, and for that matter you aren't completely YOU, you're just a reset consciousness that is turned back on through the process of meiosis
Stop attributing favorable events and circumstances of chance to being a miracle - cause you talking out loud to yourself while holding your hands to a multidimensional being really solves everything.... right???
concept of reincarnation is true
concept of greater beings 'watching over us' without showing or giving any evidence of their own efforts toward self preservation is false
Entrophy = wins
Equilibrium = wins
Thus, Omnipresence implies that God is simply all forms of matter and lack thereof
Thus, Omnipotence implies that God cannot exist because then said God also has all knowledge of outcomes from not being present.
Science can explain everything. Look at all that was unknown when god was first invented. Soon, science will explain everything.
Mainstream scientific consensus is not powerful enough to explain the evidence for survival:
As Sir Wiliam Barrett concluded in his review of the case: "The simplest and most reasonable solution is that the information was derived from the mind of the deceased person."
2 page PDF:
Is mainstream science going to give us any information at all on this subject? I challenge you to explain the evidence using consensus theories.
Without timely response, it is affirmed that empirical science CANNOT explain everything.
Serendipitous results without a clearly defined experiment and control group - and this is based on the efforts of one guy, I mean he could have flubbed his findings to make his experiment seem bigger than it was (reality was inconclusive and he lied saying they were correlated) (I'm really going out on a limb with this guess as I didn't bother reading the PDF yet) Will give feedback on it soon.