For a moment, get any preconceived notions of God as you have heard of him through the religions, out of your mind. Then consider the following.
The whole universe, all of nature, acts like a gigantic, ultra-complex machine. Machines have makers.
At the same time we see the machine, everything is wearing out, running down, like a clock that needs to be wound up. We see nothing in nature that can make a machine anything like the universe. We don't see anything that can wind the clock of nature up again. Nothing!
If nature were not so complex, if we could figure it out in detail, then maybe there isn't a God. But, simply because of the way the whole universe and nature exist, there has to be a God. Machines have makers. And this Maker is way beyond us, far greater than we can ever think to be.
Proof is in the eye of the beholder. But the evidence is so overwhelmingly great that there simply is no other way.
I have detailed instructions on how to 're-start' that machine.. clues are already posted.. including the 'device' used.. for those with eyes to see.. if they were gouged out, google it.. lol.. a hint is in my posts re: star maps.. cant remember whit thread it's in.. I learnt this from a shaman's drum.