even if that were to be true, where did the aliens come from?
where did the universe come from?
The simulation hypothesis certainy does imply that it is more like that we exist within a simulation than not.
Basically it goes like this:
Do you think (extrapolating current technology) that we will ever be able to create realistic VR, say we could learn to jack into our nervous system, or maybe even transfer our conscious mind (scan it) into a machine? The point being do think it is possible to simulate a universe such that the observer/user would never know, the sensory input banwidth needed is not that great even by todays standards.
If you think yes, then proceed to [2], else leave.
Do you think that if some civilization somewhere ever does reach true VR technology then they will for some reason kill themselves shortly afterward. In other words do you think there is some universal barrier that will dissalow simulation universes from being created/ran. If you think that civilizations will develop them and run them then goto [3], else leave.
Do you think we "humans of planet 3 of sol" are the most advanced in the universe (technology wise), if not then goto [4], else leave.
If just 1 simulation was running in the "real" universe then the chance of us living in a simulated one is 0.5 (50/50).
How many simulations are running out there, take a guess, call it N, the chances of us living in a real universe is 1/N. for all we know simulated universes of the complexity we perceive may be quite common.
Of course the creators of our simulation might themselves be simulants, perhaps in a higher than 3 dimension universe, asking the same questions, it may be simulations all the way down.