This thread is now just a waste of time, Suddenly animals cant choose? I mean, c'mon, almost everything in existance, has been discussed here using less than 60 years of knowledge, and a shite book for those who impose by trying to save people from NOTHING.
We die, period, and no-one ever did come back from the dead.
At the end, we die, only then will we wish we knew what we already know.
We are fucked over by these religions period. Your kids are sexually abused, and your families are attacked and killed by these people, while they keep all the riches. (spoils of war) you POOR fuckers. (me too lol)
When will the church divy up all that gold and give each starving child enough buy the land they can plant food on? NEVER, cause they're to busy SAVING. (for themselves)
In fact, when will they do anything instead of getting their bashers to do it for them?
Cause they're all the fuckin same.. COWARDS.
If you had a choice, forced slavery, or belief in god, I know what you'd choose, cause you already have.. you chose slavery, whatever your excuse.
Both animals and people appear to make choices. But the choices that we all make are based entirely on stimulus of some kind. Often the stimulus is made up of complex stimuli, that nobody could track down and pinpoint - almost in the same way nobody could ever track all the molecules of air that make a leaf blow this way or that in the wind, and the way that they work to make the leaf move. It's all cause and effect, action and reaction. The only way in which it is not cause and effect is in people. It works like this.
Nobody, no person, knows for a fact what will happen, even in the next second. We trust that things will happen in certain ways, based on our experience. Yet, sometimes our trust is misplaced. If it weren't, there wouldn't be any car accidents, or people killed in airliner crashes.
The thing that we trust in, is our down-deep knowledge of God. And God measures our trust in Him and makes tweaks to things in life, so that it appears that we have made choices that are different than simple cause and effect. And they ARE different than simple cause and effect. Yet, they are God's tweaks, based on the way He reads the trust and faith we have in Him.
NOTE: Like it or not, way down deep, you trust in God, and you have a certain amount of faith in Him. If you didn't, you'd be dead. What I can't understand is why people would rather ignore God, thereby committing slow suicide (It takes a long time to quench the faith God put into your heart of every person.), than accept Him and live?
Forgive me, but you need to consider what you say sometimes, (me 2, with re: to offending some) Re: NOTE: Dont take it personally, but to trust or have faith in God is to remove trust or faith in LIFE (or life experience), but to say 'I' have trust, or faith in God is offensive to me, for then I become part of the paedo squad.. an undeniable fact. They killed more people in the last few centuries than any other army combined. See, without life, even God cannot exist, for life existed before the creator of all, in order for him to not only himself 'begin' but to find the resources required to build something so big.. (Yup, thats a shit load of STONE up there.. I guess from nothing came all that? ) -or did no materials exist before him? Since life was born before any void or force that can move over.. get it? Face up to the facts that MOST people on this earth CHOOSE not to worship YOUR remix of god for one simple fact, they have killed another. For whatever poor excuse they could come up with. Not only that, but kings, queens and governing bodies (bullies), whom cant exist without being 'ordained' by THAT piss assed god? It's no wonder ISIS is gaining in popularity, for those western governments need put down due to their corruption and the lies they spread whilst stealing, well, everything, including YOUR kids.. and his.. and hers..
The problem with god is there are those forcing, using any method necessary, THEIR religion, not GOD. What must we do? Pray from a book that has been tampered with so many times if it was bitcoin we'd have dumped it by now? Ooops..