Progress to scalable Molecular Machines
Depending on which side the substrate is held for each reaction, a different stereoisomer of the product is formed. The reaction sequences are carried out in one pot and the robot can be programmed to produce selectively each isomer of the product by controlling the switch-state prior to each reaction of the substrate. Each molecular robot manipulates a single substrate molecule, but the process is massively paralleled with more than a million trillion molecular robots operated simultaneously by the scientists.
But you never proved machines have makers, you can only prove that human made machines have human makers.
Should I do that for you, now? Will you be able to take it?
Scientific topic, so, scientific proof, stated in the topic title.
Machines that have makers - millions.
Machines that don't have makers - unknown.
Scientifically proven.
Religion proven? - who knows?
Layman proven? - who knows?
Scientifically proven? - yes.
'' Machines that have makers - millions. ''
No, machines that have human makers - millions
Machines that don't have human makers and have others - unknown
"Machines that don't have human makers and have others - unknown"
No. Machines that don't have human makers and have others - God or the angels