Calm down kid! I like your enthusiasm.... even if it means you are more excited about the trolling possibilities than the innovation... but this shit isn't like a Bethesda release.
Market will get here when the code is right. As normal, all of the dev updates are proper and reliable.
Quality over quickness devs. No rush. Keep up the solid innovation!
Just going off of what was promised. An alpha release this month. I guess we will see what SDC is made of very soon. Made of shit or steel?
Sell your fucking coins, kid. Get out of here.
It's not an alpha "release". You won't be seeing anything of it but pictures and testimony. The testers will be the only ones with access to it.
Watch your mouth faggot
You're merely an aggregate of idiocy, ignorance and plain stupidity. Pack your shit, sell your coins and move on idiot.