What can you do to the victim ? What can be done in any case is my very hard punishment. With my solution, you prevent instead of caring. If people know how hard they will suffer, for sure they won't do it.
It has to do. Let's take the case of someone coming to the country. He gets accepted, taken care of, fed, because he's a refugee. A true one. Then, he do that. That's worst, because he's taking us for nothing, just good to serve him and let him fuck us !
I have not been raised any way. All my convictions were got from myself. You have to live with those people in order to understand that we do not belong to the same category. By the way, your third paragraph was convincing me, the little "left with ancient times" made me think that it isn't true. Ancient times are the ideals, not the thing to avoid at any cost.
You can compensate the victim. You think you are preventing but it has been found that tougher penalties do nothing to prevent further crimes of the same kind. People who want tough penalties just like the idea of harming others.
Over 90% of people in the world are taken care of by someone else. So are you saying that poor people not paying taxes (using government services) should be punished more?
Show me scientific proof that one human is not as human as another human. What part of the DNA is different? How can someone be proven to be sub-human?
I have studied ancient criminal systems. We are far from perfect in this day and age but we have come very far in improving our criminal justice system. Unless you would like your body hung naked in the town square if you die owing debt to someone.
Your focus is too much on harming someone instead of making it so that this does not happen again, and helping the victim.
It has been proven, in several countries and at several eras, that death penalty has a psychological effet. Would still ghettos robbers steal if they are caught we cut one of their hand and we do not simply give them a one month prison penalty ? Look the criminality growth in France after death penalty was removed.
What I meant with the refugee was that it is worst, because we take care of him and is moking of us. Also, by accepting him here without any control, this mean that the political leader is responsible.
All the humans do not have the exact same DNA, or why would have some differences ? The haplogroup is one of exemples, and the best correlation of the geographical racialism (not racism).
In the ancient systems, a crime was seen as a crime, not as something that can happen to everyone and can be tolerated. If someone who kills an innocent got burned alive in public place instead of going 10 years in a nice little prison, where he got television and gets fed for free, you can be sure that there will have less candidates !
Forget the criminal, he deserves to die. The aim is to protect the innocent people. By killing the dangerous guys in order to afraid the other, you achieve a society where there's a sense of safeness.