Trezor has a wallet designed only for storing bitcoin. And also, a separate firmware, allowing to "turn" a multi-currency wallet into a BTC-only wallet.
I know that. I am using it myself. A small correction, though. Trezor doesn't have a bitcoin-only hardware wallet. More precisely, they wrongly advertise it as such. It's got a bitcoin-only firmware. Each user can choose between this or the universal multi-coin firmware and they can install them on all Trezor devices. The BTC-only model just looks differently from the other ones. It's got the orange Bitcoin back cover. But it can support multiple coins if you want it to even if it's marketed as BTC-only.
They make these reports themselves. And this could be a marketing ploy, exaggerating sales and presenting their products as the best-selling, which would push this brand to #1 spot.
Everyone makes sales reports themselves. It's not like other manufacturers entrust this to 3rd-party companies.
I'm not debating the fact that the Ledger is the most preferable choice for ordinary cryptocurrency users in general. I merely said that because Bitcoin users, specifically, have more knowledge and understanding about crypto networks and Open Source Software, plus Bitcoiners live more for the ethos of Open Source, THEN it's probably more likely that many of them will avoid the Ledger with its closed-source firmware and use the Trezor or the lesser known KeyStone wallet, no?
It's certainly a possibility, yes.
I think we have stirred so far away into off-topic waters that we are losing sight of the shore. We should return to the original idea of this thread. Does anyone have any new photos and feedback to share about the hardware wallets they use?