coino.orgNazwa kampanii:
P2PB2B Signature Campaign. Weekly Rewards in ETH 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Jakie rangi: 40x Full Member - 30x Senior Member - 20x Hero Member - 10x Legendary
Ile do zarobienia/tydzień: Full Member - 0.7$ per post in ETH / Sr. Member - 1$ per post in ETH / Hero Member - 1.5$ per post in ETH / Legendary Member - 2$ per post in ETH
Dodatkowe informacje: maximum 20 postow/tyg i 5 postow/dzien, minimum 50 postow/miesiac , tylko posty po angielsku sie licza
ps.: czy brac w tej kampanii udzial, to juz kazdy dla siebie musi wiedziec...
Niezła komedia z tą kampanią.. Koleś z DT otagował negatywem wszystkich, którzy mieli sygnaturę, bo oskarżył ich o promowanie "scam exchange".
All of them are tagged and I will tag anyone else who will participate in this scam sig campaign.
Później się rozmyślił i powiedział, że jeśli giełda zdeponuje środki na pokrycie kosztów kampanii, to uczestników nie będzie oznaczał tylko userów powiązanych z giełdą
They need to set up an escrow account and allocate all funds needed for sig campaign there. Once the campaign is finished the escrow will release funds to participants. Here is recommended escrow services list.
If I understand you correctly, we need to set up an escrow account and allocate all funds needed for sig campaign there. After that - you will remove the red flag from this sig campaign and we will be able to continue. Right?
In that way, you wan't be able to scam anyone who will participate in the campaign. I wan't remove any tag from you or other accounts that are related to p2pb2b because I still consider it as a scam exchange. But I will not tag any participant and you can go ahead if there will be a reputable escrow for this campaign.
I do tego podał rozwiązanie jak powinna (według niego) "scam exchange" P2PB2B przeprowadzić kampanię
1. Find reputable escrow and make an agreement.
2. Create a new account (copper) for starting a new thread for a new campaign.
3. Start a new sig campaign thread.
4. Let the escrow post the confirmation of receiving funds in that new thread.
5. I will confirm the starting of the new escrowed campaign here in this thread and post a link to the new thread.
6. Lock this thread and archive it.
7. Start your new campaign.
Good luck.
Note: I am not responsible for tags from other DT members, that can still consider even an escrowed campaign of this exchange as a scam advertising.
Powycinałem co najważniejsze teksty żeby nie zanudzać. Muszę przyznać, że bardzo ciekawe podejście...
AHA, no i jeśli uruchomią nową kampanię, to będzie prawdopodobnie płatna w BTC.