It is only when they ask for help while in most cases they are often too late as you said so we help them maybe only when they have run out of everything, I also don't really know about what the reason is but what is certain is that it is most likely the difficulty of achieving awareness about gambling that can never be used as a place of income and also about those who will never be able to succeed in returning everything that has been lost, along with the difficulty of accepting the situation that they have lost a lot of money is the biggest trigger for them to continue instead of stopping and letting it all go, not to forget the obsession with winning is also something that clouds the view which indirectly makes it difficult for them to achieve awareness.
Not all gamblers would have the courage to ask for help, most people prefer to conceal their problems because there is always little to no help you can get from the other party. In most cases, they end up being ridiculed. They would rather prefer the help of a licensed therapist whom would keep their case a secrete until it’s done.
It’s worth noting though, that there is no time that is too late to seek help. The moment you realize that, your gambling behavior have gone out of control, it’s important that you seek help.
The greatest signaler for gambling addiction is an uncontrollable urge to gamble. Once you get to that point, mehn, you need help and urgently too.
Well that's true, I mean I also quite agree with what you said that not all problem gamblers want or dare to ask for help from others, especially those around them, I have a personal reason for this that it is most likely difficult to ask for help, namely because remembering gambling is an activity that tends to have a bad stigma in the eyes of society which may be one of the reasons why they prefer to hide their problems even though they experience a lot of pressure, especially from financial problems that are destroyed by excessive gambling.
Maybe they also think that by telling the following and asking for help from others, it will only cause new problems such as dealing with the police, especially when they are in a country that prohibits gambling, so this is a bit confusing, especially when you are in a country that prohibits gambling because of course there will be a fear in you to ask for help from others because of the fear that the action will actually cause problems, but I think asking for help from people close to you like friends for example, maybe that can still be done.