But there were times when he also admitted to me that the habit he started playing in the casino was that he experienced several times that the salary he earned at work was only a few hours gone because he gambled at the casino. He worked for a month and only spent a little while at the casino, meaning he has an addiction that he is having a hard time getting rid of.
This is a common sign among all gambling addicts, denying the addiction. Some people believe that gambling addicts are people who spend huge amounts of money playing without making any returns and that successive losses are what make them addicted to the habit of playing without stopping. This may be partially true, but it is not very accurate. The evidence of addiction is that the person always thinks about continuing to play even if he always makes profits, meaning that he is not attached to losing in all cases. We all know cases that have lost all their profits from gambling after they were unable to stop playing despite making good profits. There is no explanation for these cases except that they are people in a state of pathological behavioral addiction that they cannot get rid of.