Some addicts often sell their wives items and some even forget all moral values and do worst things possible.
The addicts that are highly addicted don't really have any moral values and they could literally cross all lines.
Speaking of selling household, I've seen our neighbor here a year ago selling all of his belongings and even a portion of his land just so that he has the funds that he can use for gambling. He was addicted obviously, and it came to a point where he steals his parent's belongings and then selling it. It's just hard for me to see him experiencing that thing, but at the same time, it was the after effect of his wrong decisions. As for addicts selling their wives, I didn't hear anything about this one, but if I'm the wife, I'd rather divorce my addicted husband than doing that.
Speaking of moral values, the ones that you're pertaining are the ones that are considered the "worst of the worst", but I still believe that there are still addicted gamblers out there that still know what they're doing and can still control themselves... at least temporarily.