Balance = 41.69 SLM (transactions = 75)
Report = 41.69 SLM (transactions = 75)
Coin Control Features = 0 SLM
Coin control was not a feature of the original Slimcoin clone of Peercoin's clone of Bitcoin 0.6, it was backported later.
By default, the wallet will choose to collate a set of smaller transactions to make up the intended amount. The original clone is of Bitcoin 0.6 and at this early stage of the development of Bitcoin's codebase, this algorithm is very simple, it starts with the smallest tx values in order. As d5000 has already explained, the "Unable to send transactions" means that in order to make up the total you are trying to send, the wallet has to collate a number of transactions that exceeds the encoded limit. The solution is to gradually reduce the UTXO set by sending very small amounts at first, gradually increasing the amount.
Step one: close client, restart with -rescan=1 option. Wait until complete.
Step two: Try sending a small (e.g. 0.25) SLM to an address you control.
Stop here. Please report back on whether you can successfully send a tx of 0.25 SLM to yourself.
If successful, repeat with the amount x 2, continue until "Unable to Send Transaction", go back one step, continue to send that amount repeatedly until all your SLM are collated into a single address.
When I did this, I repeated the exercise, working my way down from my total balance until the tx succeeded.