Ethereum has given us the power to do what Bitcoins couldn't do, that is owing our own tokens without much infrastructure and technology development from the contract creator. There is a downside in every good thing and I think many people owing it doesn't make it bad.
That's the reason why many creators abused the eth platform.
They make this system as their playing ground of getting money from naive users.
Though waves asset is very easy to create than eth token, yet, many developers prefer to create under eth platform because of its popularity of usage.
This is another issue. I once listened to an interview of Vitalik, where he categorically rejected the idea of moderating smart contract on their network. While this is easy to say and avoid any accountability on their part, I think it would be much better for the long term future of Ethereum if they introduced some kind of review process. How hard could be spotting and preventing fake ICO's from using their blockchain? I don't think it could be too hard.
Loose regulations in creating smart contract will bring a lot of scam/crap tokens.
If the eth dev team will just provide some sort of regulations, number of scammers might lessen.
But that's a lot of work to do on their part. Good research/investigative team is needed to implement such system.