Apollo 13 will run on 7 of 8 if I keep the bedroom door closed to keep the temperature in the tropical range, but goes to six if I leave it open too long.
Would be interesting to see what the chips do with water cooling. The nice thing about water is it has a high heat capacity so it takes a lot of heating or cooling to change the temp more than a degree. Some variable speed fans on a radiator and you might be able to keep the chip "warm" without needing to keep the ambient temp warm. Certainly would be more wife/girlfriend friendly than devoting one room to tropical temps.
I asked about the feasibility of using liquid cooling a few pages ago and just about got ran out of town for being an idiot. Apparently this is a dumb idea for some reason.
It can be a serious pain to design and install -- but it is highly efficient and sometimes the only answer to cooling a high speed system.
This is generally not a highly technical crowd -- with some very notable exceptions -- what did you expect to hear?
Is it a good idea? It could be expensive -- and that might make it a bad idea. Beyond that -- I dunno! Get a quote and think about it.
One of the Cray designs stuck with older technology and water cooling to achieve the speed (clock rate) they desired.
Some of my fast AMD 8 core systems are convection / fanless cooled with heat pipe technologies -- so big deal. It just costs more.
I wasn't asking about immersive cooling. That's waaayyyy beyond my capabilities. I was just asking about off-the-shelf kits like the Corsair line.
Like what? If it can cool the 300-350 watts (320 Nominal) from the chips and it's a mechanical fit -- don't see why not.
I saw your question earlier in a "fly-by" but assumed someone would answer it in a reasonable fashion. Guess not.
What unit exactly were you thinking of? I can give an opinion -- it's worth every cent you paid me. Somebody above my pay grade could likely comment as well.
Just ask if they studied electrical engineering... lol
Kinda sorta like this -- only the right size and all that?
http://www.corsair.com/us/cpu-cooling-kits/hydro-series-water-cooling-cpu-cooler/hydro-series-h60-high-performance-liquid-cpu-cooler.htmlJust curious...
I don't see a problem myself -- it's just another cooling technology....
Edit: Looks like I accidentally found the unit that is specced for the same Intel Chip series as the Fan Tower coolers...
Whole series here:
http://www.corsair.com/us/catalogsearch/result/?q=Liquid+Cooler+AMD+3%2BSee the Chips covered here for example...
http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186058and compare it to the Liquid cooler.
Specs match -- so if it doesn't burn too brightly (lol) should be OK. If you need sunglasses -- it's not working -- OK?
$0.05 please -- we don't have pennies any more here in Canuckistan.
One more Note:Some of the units mention USB and Software.
Caution: Some (or all?) may require a PC to drive them (efficiently?) -- maybe not. Again a Call to Corsair could do the trick.