Or they could get together -- start a mining company and solicit our business.
I would give them a fair shake at earning my business.
I just don't want to see any of the problems they are complaining about..
As somebody once explained to me... "You can work for an idiot, or you can start your own company and let people complain about your idiocy." Sooooo I started my own company.... It's soooo much simpler. Now I never whine and complain....
Exactly. We have the easy part in this amazing era of ASIC mining which mostly includes a ton of research and picking which pre-order to bet on which is a lot easier than bringing an ASIC to market.
I'm not saying we should just bend over and take it but some of this crap is just ridiculous. So many posts raging about how they got SCREWED by TERRIBLE KNC when they couldn't buy an upgrade when really they just got beat to the draw since they weren't savvy enough to properly prepare for the rush and have their trigger finger on a wallet properly loaded with BTC.
I just dream of a thread where people can dialog about creating and sharing solutions to the many problems us miners face instead of bitching and moaning over and over and over.
So with that thought, I'm really surprised KNC didn't take a better approach to this sale like they did with their initial pre-order. I really was impressed with how they first allowed people to register "pre-order interest" and then used that list to allow people to pre-order with a 7 day payment window after they had more solid details about their product. IMO they created one of the most legit pre-order queue's I've seen with no ZERO HOUR RUSH CRASHING WEBSITE LOTTO like I'm used too. I would think they could have easily created a list of their Mercury/Saturn customers and allowed them to register qty of modules they were interested in first and then open up payment a day later based on that data.
What I think would have been really cool is if they used a "reverse priority" allowing people that experienced the longest delays to get first dibs. While this would have put me towards the end of the queue it but would really earned my respect and trust. Maybe they don't have the manpower for this but I know there are plenty of capable "enthusiasts" that would donate their time to create a system like this free of charge, myself included.
Regardless, I'm sure that this sale was more of an afterthought and will have no resemblance to what they have planned for their gen2 sales.
*crosses fingers*
You have no faith in the power of people and protest? Maybe you're right but often when something is wrong and enough people get behind it, the problem is solved.
As for the ASIC companies and how to make them better, I saw what Black Arrow did (or proposed to do), 50% upfront with order, the rest later when the product existed. ..that seemed quite logical and fair. If it worked or not, it should be doable.
While people chuck away money with their common sense in a safe deposit box on mars...not gonna happen sadly because no company will ever need to give a monkey's fuck about customers. They'll always be swimming in fools money.
As for this latest upgrade race that they handled like a one armed concrete orang utan gymnast ..they should have offered them to the ones they failed so badly by delivering weeks too late first. Discounted. For many reasons, but the obvious one being to compensate them for losing so much purely due to KNC not being able to run a piss up in a brewery.
Yet again the engineers deliver the goods, and KNC shows its incompetence and how to alienate more customers. I feel for the guys who do the real work.