On the other hand, the moment Bitpay integrates with Paypal (may be very soon) we should experience a huge spike in BTC value, as demand rises.
Have u seen something specific on this? You make it sound like a given that it will happen...
we know btc ain't annoymous by itself.. but why would anyone want to attach so much information like paypal does just to use it? And pay way more fees or course and they still wouldn't guarantee the buyer with chargebacks..
there is no chance that bitpay merges with paypal.. if it does, it won't be what bitpay was and someone else will take its place
perhaps bitpay branches out with some escrow options?
Yes I have. With the combination of Fincen(The governing body of the U.S. Treasury)literally approving cryptocurrecies
http://www.fincen.gov/news_room/speech/pdf/20130613.pdf and the Bloomburg interview with David Marcus(CEO of both PayPal AND BitPay)
http://www.bloomberg.com/video/we-re-our-biggest-competitor-paypal-s-marcus-hfD5bqHjSZaMOrEREga9Tw.html and here...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTZnkoaoV1I ,as well as this article...
http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2013/05/23/why-paypal-is-bullish-on-bitcoin/By the way.. I've come up with a simple(too simple almost) formula to succeed in Bitcoin without diminishing returs as a miner...
Where "S"= Success(non-diminishing returns),
"H"= Hashrate purchase at diffchange, and
"D" = Difficulty level percentage increase
S = H > D
that's it.
It of course does not include the dollar value of BTC. One could argue S = H > D + V if V > 0, when "V" is a % decrease in BTC dollar value.... but no need IMHO.
I could write an entire paper on why this will work, but it will. Hope this helps.