on the other hand, releasing unlocked tokens below market price (which is not a known number) will cause losses to everyone whatsoever.
since i cannot actively cause a loss to anyone, i chose to refund.
Ohad, I honestly think you are mistaken about the consequences of releasing tokens below market price.
Suppose I purchased an option to buy 100 bitcoin at $1 years ago. If I exercise that option now, will it affect the price of bitcoin? Not at all. It will make me a lot of money (at the cost of the seller), but it will not increase the supply of bitcoin and therefore not affect the market.
You are correct however that locking these additional 4.2m tokens, will reduce short-term supply and push the price upwards. But, this all evens out. Since these tokens are only locked temporarily, they will push the price down when they are unlocked in the future.
It's a question of affecting the market now or later. But do you really want to be manipulating the market at all?
In the future, when Tauchain and then Agoras are released, prices will go way way up. We'll all forget the temporary dips in market price.
But what some of us won't forget is that we almost got into Agoras early, but we didn't. We could have bought at $.376, and we were so close, but the terms changed at the last minute, or we chickened out and asked for a refund, and we'll never forgive ourselves.
The generous thing to do here would be liberal in your interpretation of the offer, and let everybody who beat the July 1 in on the June terms, period. Be a little more inclusive, make the club of lucky early-Agoras buyers a little bigger. I think it will help a lot more people than it hurts.