Just shoot me now!
Now, now, don't be so glum. You're our favorite punching bag.
J/K, congratulations on your first win, against the top dogs, no less. Fitting end to the first round.
I have to ask, does our record during the regular season even matter? Don't we all get into the first round of the playoffs?
Are you guys watching the Manning's broadcast? Tom Brady is their current guest, and he just said he had to promise a bitcoin to the fan to whom Mike Evans had given his 600th TD ball. He also said something about the ball being auctioned off as a NFT currently.
Haha, thx man. I don't actually know.
glad to hear the guy got a bitcoin too!
Thank god wheelz also lost. phew... Oh, sorry wheelz.
The race is tightening up as the two #1 teams lose and suchmoon becomes the only to go 6-3.. Casualties are already starting to take a toll... its probably been the most brutal yet entertaining season I've experienced thus far.
Yeah even getting my ass handed to me and watching everyone go onto Ir I'm having a great time.