Religion sucks one way or another.
You may not know what Satanism is. Not a religion, but instead a self-described philosophical organization. It is comprised of atheists. if you're interested.
Yeah, and how stupid can you be to name your little club of self-indulgent atheists after a mythical god creature?
Stupidity is #1 on the list of the Nine Satanic Sins. So we strive to avoid and see through stupidity. We don't believe in any mythical creature called Satan. Satan is symbolic in a sense, and further...
"If you’re new to Satanism, or simply curious, perhaps a brief discussion of one of the most common questions might help you to better understand what this site is all about. Why call it Satanism?
Dr. LaVey has answered this question many times in his writings and in interviews but, apparently, it’s a tough concept for some people. It is usually accompanied by, “You know, everything you say makes a lot of sense. But that name, ‘Satan’, is a real turn-off for people. Why don’t you just call it ‘Humanism’ or something—you’d get a lot more followers.”
Of course, the first point is, we don’t need a lot of followers; we need more leaders in society in general and Satanism is a philosophy of leaders. That’s the glib answer. The more complete answer is that Satanists find more strength in images of defiance, fortitude against all odds and self-determination than we do in the image of the guy hanging on the Cross. We are sickened by the complacency, hypocrisy, prejudice, and self-righteousness that most conventional religions (including “Wicca” and “paganism” as they are currently defined) encourage in people. When my back is up against the wall, I’m not strengthened by Jesus’ supposed martyrdom, or by the idea of praying and being saved, or of mooning over some glorious afterlife (so I don’t have to take responsibility for this one). Satanists’ scorn for such drivel is in our hard-wiring, and we could no more “give our lives over to Christ” than we could cut off one of our own limbs. The word “Satan” is the first hurdle to understanding what we’re trying to get across. Question, challenge all things, especially what you’ve been taught about supposed enemies. Sort out the truth from convenient myths. Words are magical and potent—use them effectively."
A quote from Magistra Blanche Barton, Church of Satan