What do you want me to talk about? Want me to judge people and objects? Who's your favorite celebrity? What food tastes the best? What's the best sex position?
I'd like you to talk about and answer the questions asked of you...to have a "great debate." So, basically I'm asking you to stay on topic within the thread that you created.
I'd prefer to talk about existence, I didn't realize that was a problematic thing to do.
Then why did you make this thread to have a debate when you don't want to debate?
You: Let's debate!
Us: Okay!
You: I prefer to talk about existence.
If I wanted to scam people I would go on silk road and scam people. I wouldn't post on the same forum with the same account for two years.
Irrelevant. You *owe* squall a set amount of money that you stated that you would pay. You no longer are attempting to pay squall back and are therefore a thief. Accordingly, you have retained more than is rightfully yours, thereby making you a thief. We can toss that "scam" word right out the window if it causes confusion for you. You're a thief.
And yet all the 115 sales I made on silk road ended with 5/5 reviews. And I was the cheapest vendor selling the product in the United States. Those who do wrong onto others go nowhere, as karma balances their actions out. Those who do right go everywhere, as there is no limit as to how high you may vibrate.
Also irrelevant. You're a thief. Quit bringing up things that don't matter in an attempt to pull a fast one over on me. It's insulting, and you know I'm smarter than that. You can get 10,000 5/5 reviews, and you'd still be a thief. Doing 'good' many times does not absolve you from the responsibility of being honest in other situations. You're a thief, and what's worse is that you do anything you can to justify it.
Do you think there's any possibility I am here because I found god, seek to share god with the world and establish a new society based off love?
Do you think there's any possibility you found Satan instead who has deceived you? Do you think there's any possibility that someone else in this thread may have found God but got a better view? Do you think it's possible that maybe you did find God but didn't automatically gain the capacity to express your experiences and their implications in a consistent way?
Based upon what you've demonstrated, I can answer your questions as follows: At this point, what I will not allow any possibility for is that you both found God and are also able to communicate the truth of what you've found in a consistent way.
Dank, your arguments are provably inconsistent and unsound, and many are flat out invalid. There isn't anything that you could possibly to do demonstrate otherwise. Logic has rules and you break them constantly. If you're not familiar with those rules, you won't be aware you're breaking them. For some others here, it's so stunningly clear that it warrants no explanation. All we need to do is say, "Just
look!" and it would be more than convincing.
It makes quite a bit of sense to share what I know with the bitcoin community, because bitcoin carries a very real threat of throwing humanity further into financial enslavement. Look at the distribution of wealth with bitcoin. It is no better than the dollar. All it does is tie people to a system dependent on machines.
It doesn't make sense if 1) people repeatedly tell you that they don't want to hear it, and if 2) people prove you wrong and yet you continue to state you are correct. That's what we call a total waste of time. You've spent hundreds of hours on this forum and have actually turned more people away from your ideas than onto them. I don't know what part about spending several years making negative progress makes sense to you.
You also carry the actual *responsibility* of having thrown squall further into financial enslavement.
We need to balance our technological society with nature, not more technology. That's like trying to stop war with more war - completely insane.
We need people who contribute to society, not who mentally masturbate all day and contribute nothing of any value. You infinitely overexaggerate the importance of the things you say. I'm not impressed by them. I've said everything you've tried to say, only better (sorry, it's true) without success. You're not a guru. You're not a genius. You're a stubborn fool who doesn't understand that
it does not matter how right you are. Nobody even cares if you're right anymore. At this point, you could probably throw down a 100% accurate proof of God and blah blah, and NOBODY WOULD CARE. Why would nobody care? Because everything else you do suggests you're stupid. Learn and adapt, or die and make way for somebody who will.
Oh, and trying to gain clarity through drugs is also insane.
Money will never bring peace, it stimulates the opposite side of the mind - greed. The only way to find peace is love. Unity, oneness.
Wow. Money will never bring peace. Something I (in an ideal world) agree with.
...But you're stupid for saying it (because nobody cares...you've exhausted your cards).
Unless you want your kids and family raised in a one world government that uses the population as cheap slaves, you may want to listen.
Unless you want people to ignore you for the rest of your life, you might want to actually "communicate" with people instead of turning every single post into a one-way conversation wherein every the only thing you know how to talk about is what you believe in.
This is very insulting to people. All it shows is you don't care one bit about what others think.
A moneyless society means true freedom. A moneyless society means a quantum leap in conscious evolution and technological evolution.
Ah...but not a moneyless Dank, right? Money is only bad if everyone else has some and you don't, am i right?
What you're experiencing is jealousy manifesting itself as victimization.
Also, if a moneyless society means true freedom, why did you make 115 drug sales on Silk Road? You should have given it away. You're a hypocrite.
We really can't go anywhere with the status quo of today suppressing any revolutionary technologies that come about. Remove money, you remove the greedy elitist's power. Remove their power and you end the retardation of humanity's progression and evolution.
And how do you suggest we do that? Moreover, how do we get rid of
your greed?
I'd argue your greed is just as bad if not worse than the elitists'. It's people like you that allow the elitists to get away with their greed. You -- the people who complain but never pitch in, who project their own negative qualities onto others and who needlessly play the victim and continually take without giving back -- are the larger problem.
It's not that complicated.
I agree with you that the idea isn't complicated. It doesn't take any significant intelligence to recognize this. That's why what you're saying isn't impressive. Countless millions of people have this idea.
However, what IS complicated is fixing the problems that we have in society without everything collapsing and having tens or hundreds of millions of people die. You're naive and you think that the world can collectively flick a lightswitch and change everything. But, for those of us who actually have real world experience *doing stuff*, we realize that it's actually hard work, it takes time and resources, and is massively complex, and there is no perfect scenario wherein everything changes positively and you don't have any negative consequences.
TL;DR: When I first began conversing with you, I thought you were misunderstood. Over time, that turned into a believe that, although misguided, you still have a good heart. Now, I *really* question your good heart, because, despite being a proven liar and thief, you still show absolutely no remorse, no concern, no sense of responsibility, etc. and you make no attempt to improve yourself or help those whom you have hurt.