and this
"The problem with TBI's stance is that he's threatening to publish the information unless Vessenes and Matonis step down, which implies that he won't publish it if they do. "
This thread is like that little voice in my head that I always ignore only to wish I hadn't. This time I'll listen.
I like your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. oh and
I'm buying ix.
I don't have a newsletter, LOL, but you can follow me on Twitter (@Vlad_Roberto) where I'm shouting this stuff to CEO's, billionaires, VC's and guys like Charlie Shrem but so far they're all deaf.
Eventually they'll listen, as long as, to my own surprise, I keep being right.
This link you posted is just the tip of the iceberg, they have to take control of the BTC foundation board as its the easiest way to centralize Bitcoin. When Charilie set it up he didn't realize how easily it could be hi-jacked and used to control the Bitcoin protocol (including eventually, after people can't turn back, printing massively more Bitcoins, this is just another clever fiat scheme which will rob the masses while taking away all privacy and personal freedoms).
I said last year that the govt and banks would move in this year in a big way AND TAKE CONTROL of Bitcoin and any leading alt coin. I said they loved Bitcoin and cryptos while being called insane cause no way banks and govts could like Bitcoin. Ha!
Nothing can stop them. If they can't find dirt on someone (like Shrem with the bullshit Laundering charge) they'll set them up like they did Karpeles. These two new guys obviously had no dirt so this will be a massive coordinated media campaign to humiliate them until they quit. This two-bit guy then, is obviously a government or bank shill. None of this stuff is by accident, watch it, observe how it's all step by step, incredibly predictable.
How else could I predict these highly unlikely future events with such accuracy, events which at the time were nearly impossible.
They will control Bitcoin before Chirstmas [i said this last month, before Karpeles quit] and the masses will have no idea. When Charlie et al try to warn them they will be discredited and humiliated by the media; hence the reason they had to destroy their reputations with arrests, the Gox implosion and now the humiliation which will come for these two guys and anyone else they need to get rid of.
That way when they hi-jack Bitcoin or any other alt coin, the more these insiders scream about it and try to warn the masses, the more they look like disgruntled haters who lost their board seats.
This is why I've been saying no ZeroCoin will ever make it, and there's no such thing as a decentralized crypto. And this is why I said I'd make iXcoin a banker's coin, cause it was designed for that and why I wouldn't get in their way. And this is why I said the masses are sheep and deserve what's coming cause no matter what any honest person says, the sheep will eat whatever shit the media feeds them so then why destroy your life.
They (the BTC board) have no chance, too much power and money at stake. This is why I got into alts last year cause I knew nothing can stop these people and if you know what coin they'll choose as plan B (the next Bitcoin as Bitcoin was a mere experiment and it took all the bad hits and was a head fake for China and Russia who i think have been hoarding it thinking it was the $ replacement) then you'll make millions as they'll take it to the top with the media behind them cause that's the only way to get the sheep masses to swap their real wealth for pretend, bullshit digital wealth.
Sit back and watch the show, the next few weeks will bring more and more shocking revelations and the media will work together to bend it and manipulate it towards their predetermined goal: Destroy Bitcon's image to grab loose coins as people freak out and sell 2) grab more board seats as board members are forced out and 3) inhibit new Bitcoin investors and adopters to limit the continued wealth transfer from the west to the east (Russia and China) while offering a competing coin which the masses will easily understand and embrace (hence the twin of Bitcoin) and further collude with the media to hype the new currency thus giving it massive instant credibility.
If even half these things happen [this year] I will downright scare myself cause I don't know how insiders and Bitcoin millionaires don't see any of these things while it all appears very clear to me.
Bitcoin will still hit ~$2,500 or so this year, and could go as nigh as $4,000, but will not hit $5,000+ as I previously speculated, not even on a spike, due to this massive unexpected media attack which will effectively detour new future investors into a different alt coin (my educated guess, iXcoin). So buy (BTC) if there's another massive selloff on media attacks (and you can make 500%-1,000% this year, with low risk) but you can make 100 times more if I'm right about them adopting iX as the coin of the West and its allies.
If I'm right about them doing this, in part for prepping the masses for the intro of their coin of choice, then we should hear about it within weeks, at most a few months, since Bitcoin's image has taken as much beating as it can handle and they don't want to drive it to zero as that would kill any future potential for any alt coins. They need [to steal] these 2 more Board seats and then I think they'll introduce their coin and stop the crazy bashing. That said, the announcement of this coin of choice could come as early as next week.
Good luck guys....sorry no News Letter. Lol,
Oh, my Twitter alias is @Vlad_Roberto.