
Topic: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God - page 12. (Read 37219 times)

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
So much thought, so much effort, so much energy wasted denying what is right in front of your eyes. I know you're afraid theists, afraid of the unknown.

But there's nothing to fear, there never has been. The unknown is nothing more than a shadow on the wall.

No matter how much you want to believe that, theists aren't afraid. Why should they be?
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
So much thought, so much effort, so much energy wasted denying what is right in front of your eyes. I know you're afraid theists, afraid of the unknown.

But there's nothing to fear, there never has been. The unknown is nothing more than a shadow on the wall.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
I already showed you that there are bible verses about why God created woman, to be a companion to man. If we were not meant to be companions to each other, God would not have made us companions, or made our sexual organs capable of giving pleasure. There are animals that can procreate without the need of another, and it would have been simple for God to make us that way, if that's what He wanted.

Be careful; don't be gullible and don't let anyone run you--measure truth.
Hear yourself, your GOD. Anybody can talk; only you can interpret for self.
Everybody is nice and everybody is sincere, so you can only judge by the lesson or the word. For example:
God would not tell anyone to take his child up on a mountain and kill him.
Any father that would take his son up there--hearing these mysterious voices and then the angel stopped him--BULLSHIT.
God is a creator, not a destroyer, and he does not test in that manner.
He may test the man, but the child is the one who suffers, and never would god EVER treat an innocent child to that terror--where his father is above him with a knife--oh well never mind son, "GOD" told me to do it.
With sex that is not for procreation, the possibility of pregnancy is never absent, and neither is there such a thing as "accidental" pregnancy; so, mankind must learn to recognize the truth about personal responsibility. ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WHICH OCCURS WITHIN THEIR MANIFESTED ILLUSION whether or not one WISELY chooses to finally recognize and accept this Truth is entirely up to each.

Truth is whatever it is to whomever it comes; my truth may differ from someone else's definition or opinion of that truth, but there is one common truth and as many ways to reach this conclusion as there are individual and unique beings. And if there is any breaking of god's or man's laws, it is invalid. But there may be something very valid in the overall presentment, so simply take the truth and toss out the other, don't turn someone into YOUR conscience. You are the one listening and receiving, and you are the one perceiving.

SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL drive that was created by GOD; GOD created a CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! You misunderstand God if you think that he would tell you to sacrifice your child or that you should have sex for the purpose of pleasing self to the point of obsessive pre-occupation--those are acts which are against life.

The sexual act is limiting, substituting and impersonating YOUR CREATIVE AND SPIRITUAL UNFOLDMENT TO KNOW GOD. When you truly understand and recognize this truth, your creative spiritual unfoldment can no longer BE FRUSTRATED AND LIMITED to the repetition of a silly and truly spiritually unfulfilling "sexual act". So be gentle with self and your mate, but be aware and responsible to "consequences" (such as pregnancy) and persistent in your goal (to self) to release and detach from ALL things of Physical Manifestation. Simply RECOGNIZE without punishing self with guilt and shame that this is a transgression against the Creative spirit of life within you. For a time accept that you will have desire because you are "addicted" and many of you understand it as an "extension" of your love.

God is abundance in all Kingdoms, but the catch is you cannot become attached to things of the material world and to your emotional desires. You are borrowing this wondrous physical body and all of the "things" of the manifested world will NOT go with you when you leave your body in whatever sort of transition you earn. It is ONLY YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL THAT IS REAL IN THIS JOURNEY TO ONENESS WITHIN.
Activity: 1834
Merit: 1020
perhaps the OP does not know that sex for selfish reasons is a dangerous and unbalanced act.
I could not disagree more strongly. Sexual nirvana is the key to peace on Earth.

This is one of the silliest statements I've read.  Not only does psych literature oppose this, but you could just take a survey of prostitutes, porn/sex/masturbation addicts, etc. and see how "at peace" they are.  I'm sure you'd encourage your daughter to go at it as much as possible, right?

I know you like taking the evolutionary perspective on this.  I've seen you cite articles wherein they claim people are "supposed" to or "should" (unscientific language, but nevermind that, right?) have multiple sex partners.  Well, guess what else is evolutionary -- jealousy and competition.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
I didn't want to read what you wrote originally, but I felt it was important to show people how it is not biblical. For someone to believe there is some "new" word from God, then it would have to go along with what the Bible says
So you reject the New Testament and only endorse the Old Testament?

The NT goes along with what the OT says. You believe they're contradictory. I disagree.

As I've already argued with you on that before, you know this.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500

I do discern that sex for the purpose of pleasure is a limitation, and that limitations are not of God; I am here to use Scripture to correct the misconception; take a close look at what Hatonn is saying, especially the part that I have underlined, and see the distinction between sexual pleasure and sexual responsibility; I will quote this again since you have said that you do not read all that I am posting:

I already showed you that there are bible verses about why God created woman, to be a companion to man. If we were not meant to be companions to each other, God would not have made us companions, or made our sexual organs capable of giving pleasure. There are animals that can procreate without the need of another, and it would have been simple for God to make us that way, if that's what He wanted.

God is all about limitations. The whole book of Job describes that fact that God has limited Satan from harming Job, and then he lifts some limits, but keeps the limit, that Satan can not kill Job.

I said I didn't want to read it, but I did read it, so I could point out the discrepancies between the "alien" and the bible. I took quotes from the whole post, that shows I read it.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
I didn't want to read what you wrote originally, but I felt it was important to show people how it is not biblical. For someone to believe there is some "new" word from God, then it would have to go along with what the Bible says
So you reject the New Testament and only endorse the Old Testament?
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100

I do discern that sex for the purpose of pleasure is a limitation, and that limitations are not of God; I am here to use Scripture (Phoenix Journals) to correct the misconception; take a close look at what Hatonn is saying, especially the part that I have underlined, and see the distinction between sexual pleasure and sexual responsibility; I will quote this again since you have said that you do not read all that I am posting:

What you label "makeup sex" is a degrading spiritual trap devoid of love. On the other hand, Through union OF LOVE, the act of sexual intercourse between a husband and his wife for pro-creation was a most sacred and honored responsibility, an extension of their LOVE and COMMITMENT TO GOD in his service as PARENTS of HIS Children. When one is an "adult" and does not wish to have children, the seeking of sexual pleasure by self or with another is a transgression upon self simply BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING AND LIMITING YOUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN.

What you ones have labeled "sexual energy" or "libido" is actually a corruption of the creative and nurturing potential of The Spirit of GOD within YOU. LET US REPEAT THIS: YOUR "SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO" IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Let us see how your Funk & Wagnals Dictionary defines Libido: "1. Sexual desire or impulse. 2. The instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities." Did you read that clearly, friends? INSTINCTUAL CRAVING OR DRIVE BEHIND ALL HUMAN ACTIVITIES! The catch is, precious ones, SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. Rarely do ones feel TRUE LOVE, caring friendship, affection and intimacy toward their mates on your plane. Most have simply forgotten what LOVE is. You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?

To please yourself? You ones think your sexual orgasm is ecstasy? YOU EVEN LIMIT ECSTASY!
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Well, Hatonn similarly has discernment given by God, and has published it via his scribe. Hatonn even travels with Christ. On the other hand, Saul was a Pharisee who never even met Christ. The Bible is subject to misinterpretation and corruption by man's hand, but there is nothing unclear about what Hatonn says about sex; I conclude that Phoenix Journals are the superior Scripture.

Anyway, the point is to have a reasoned discussion about these things so that we can look within to discern our own ideas about sex, and find our own path. The Bible states that God is within you, so let us search within to find God's WORD; God is always speaking.

Why do ye not ask of Me these things? Why do ye not listen when I send ye the Word and the Truth? What will ye do? Will ye move away, My people, led away captive, stumbling, weary and hungry? Check the words of those witches, channels, mediums which pronounce things upon which ye hang thine beings--IF THEIR MESSAGES ARE DIFFERENT THAN MINE, IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE NOT SENT THEM FOR THEY HAVE NO LIGHT OR TRUTH WITHIN THEM.

I didn't want to read what you wrote originally, but I felt it was important to show people how it is not biblical. For someone to believe there is some "new" word from God, then it would have to go along with what the Bible says currently, and not be contradictory. God would not have made us sexual, and He would not have created a partner, woman, for man if He did not want man to partner with a woman, which includes comforting, and the pleasure as seen in Song of Solomon.

I've already known God's ideas on sex within marriage, it's pretty clear between a married couple.

One thing I've seen is that when couples are angry with each other, they are not likely to have sex. But this moves them to talk to each other and make up with each other, and then there is joy with most people call "makeup sex". This is pleasure because the couple has dealt with their issues, and have been truthful with each other, and this strengthens their bond, that God said He wanted in Genesis when He created Eve.

Yes, this message from the "alien" (that sex is not supposed to be for pleasure) is not the same as God in the bible, and so it can be discounted.
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!
I close this portion with petition to hear, to see and come into understanding so that you can find your way. My messengers shall no longer be given into martyrdom for the call is sounded as the chaos has spread about your lands--so will the hush come upon you and woe is upon he who does not take heed....AH YES, YE HAD BETTER BE READING CAREFULLY THE BOOKS CALLED BIBLE, FOR THEY ARE FILLED WITH THE CHANGINGS TO SUIT OF THE BEAST AND THROUGH THEM SHALL YE BE LED TO SLAUGHTER FOR THEY ARE NOT OF MY GIVING.

I just want to point out if anyone thinks these writings are Christian, they aren't. 1aguar is quoting Phoenix Journals, who take their info from Hatonn as seen here "...Perhaps I should mention to you that Hatonn denounces the lack of RESPONSIBILITY... "

Hatonn is supposedly an alien, “I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me “Hatonn”.

I do not agree with the few quotes specifically in the quote box above. They are not biblical. God created sex to be enjoyed (between husband and wife). Also Christians will be persecuted in the final days, it's not called the tribulation for nothing.
Hello MMH,
1) Who says that the Hatonn you linked to is the same GCH who wrote the Phoenix Journals and other recordings of the Phoenix Project?
2) Who has told you that God created sex to be enjoyed? I thought God's gift of sex was for procreation, not bodily pleasure!
3) What matter is it whether something is Biblical? Do you want "Biblical" Christianity or do you want Christed Christianity? I believe the world has overwhelmingly stated the preference as you have voted-in and out the true laws of Christ.
4) What do you have to say to this quote from Hatonn, via another Phoenix Journal, which highlights how you are making judgments out of ignorance rather than in wisdom of knowledge:


This isn't really the best thread for this discussion, but if you want to create your thread for further conversation, feel free to. But I will answer these questions here.

This is the right thread because we are addressing attitudes towards sex, so let us find the common ground; I'm more than happy to defer to Hatonn's wisdom and share it with you and the OP in the interests of truth; You refer to Biblical wisdom which is backed up by "inspiration of God", but if that Word has been corrupted by man then that Scripture is little different from "the word of one called Beliathon" which states that "Sexual nirvana is the key to peace on Earth".

3. The bible is the Word of God. You can't just ignore parts and add things on to it. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

So Phoenix Journals are not Scripture because your book tells you so? I perceive that you have not used your own discernment to conclude this. I also perceive that Phoenix Journals have corrected misconceptions about sex, both humanist and "Biblical". I suggest reading the sections about "Biblical" versus "Christed" Christianity in this Phoenix Journal, but first it is best to read all of Journal 27.

4. To that, I say, I've read the bible, I've studied it, and it is not out of ignorance, but a discernment given by God that I posted.
Well, Hatonn similarly has discernment given by God, and has published it via his scribe. Hatonn even travels with Christ. On the other hand, Saul was a Pharisee who never even met Christ. The Bible is subject to misinterpretation and corruption by man's hand, but there is nothing unclear about what Hatonn says about sex; I conclude that Phoenix Journals are the superior Scripture.

Anyway, the point is to have a reasoned discussion about these things so that we can look within to discern our own ideas about sex, and find our own path. The Bible states that God is within you, so let us search within to find God's WORD; God is always speaking.

Why do ye not ask of Me these things? Why do ye not listen when I send ye the Word and the Truth? What will ye do? Will ye move away, My people, led away captive, stumbling, weary and hungry? Check the words of those witches, channels, mediums which pronounce things upon which ye hang thine beings--IF THEIR MESSAGES ARE DIFFERENT THAN MINE, IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE NOT SENT THEM FOR THEY HAVE NO LIGHT OR TRUTH WITHIN THEM.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!
I close this portion with petition to hear, to see and come into understanding so that you can find your way. My messengers shall no longer be given into martyrdom for the call is sounded as the chaos has spread about your lands--so will the hush come upon you and woe is upon he who does not take heed....AH YES, YE HAD BETTER BE READING CAREFULLY THE BOOKS CALLED BIBLE, FOR THEY ARE FILLED WITH THE CHANGINGS TO SUIT OF THE BEAST AND THROUGH THEM SHALL YE BE LED TO SLAUGHTER FOR THEY ARE NOT OF MY GIVING.

I just want to point out if anyone thinks these writings are Christian, they aren't. 1aguar is quoting Phoenix Journals, who take their info from Hatonn as seen here "...Perhaps I should mention to you that Hatonn denounces the lack of RESPONSIBILITY... "

Hatonn is supposedly an alien, “I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me “Hatonn”.

I do not agree with the few quotes specifically in the quote box above. They are not biblical. God created sex to be enjoyed (between husband and wife). Also Christians will be persecuted in the final days, it's not called the tribulation for nothing.
Hello MMH,
1) Who says that the Hatonn you linked to is the same GCH who wrote the Phoenix Journals and other recordings of the Phoenix Project?
2) Who has told you that God created sex to be enjoyed? I thought God's gift of sex was for procreation, not bodily pleasure!
3) What matter is it whether something is Biblical? Do you want "Biblical" Christianity or do you want Christed Christianity? I believe the world has overwhelmingly stated the preference as you have voted-in and out the true laws of Christ.
4) What do you have to say to this quote from Hatonn, via another Phoenix Journal, which highlights how you are making judgments out of ignorance rather than in wisdom of knowledge:


This isn't really the best thread for this discussion, but if you want to create your thread for further conversation, feel free to. But I will answer these questions here.

1. The official source for Phoenix Journal clearly says his name.."God’s Plan for the New Millennium
Esu Immanuel (“Jesus”) Sananda and Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn"

2. The body was built with organs that give pleasure in sex. Plus the bible book Song of Solomon shows verse after verse of the pleasure one finds in one's mate.

Here's a nice page, What is the Biblical purpose of sex?

3. The bible is the Word of God. You can't just ignore parts and add things on to it. 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

4. To that, I say, I've read the bible, I've studied it, and it is not out of ignorance, but a discernment given by God that I posted.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000

So keep talking. Religious nuts dont even have to argue with you, hell they dont even have to learn how to write and read. They will simply breed you all out of gene pool.
Population Growth Crash Course

So you are only able to provide video of some hipster instead of making your own argument?
You think this is about me? Anyway, I can't be an expert on everything. When there is a more articulate and concise source of information than myself, I'm more than happy to defer to that wisdom and share it with you in the interests of truth. Also that man is a scientist, not a "hipster".
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!
I close this portion with petition to hear, to see and come into understanding so that you can find your way. My messengers shall no longer be given into martyrdom for the call is sounded as the chaos has spread about your lands--so will the hush come upon you and woe is upon he who does not take heed....AH YES, YE HAD BETTER BE READING CAREFULLY THE BOOKS CALLED BIBLE, FOR THEY ARE FILLED WITH THE CHANGINGS TO SUIT OF THE BEAST AND THROUGH THEM SHALL YE BE LED TO SLAUGHTER FOR THEY ARE NOT OF MY GIVING.

I just want to point out if anyone thinks these writings are Christian, they aren't. 1aguar is quoting Phoenix Journals, who take their info from Hatonn as seen here "...Perhaps I should mention to you that Hatonn denounces the lack of RESPONSIBILITY... "

Hatonn is supposedly an alien, “I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me “Hatonn”.

I do not agree with the few quotes specifically in the quote box above. They are not biblical. God created sex to be enjoyed (between husband and wife). Also Christians will be persecuted in the final days, it's not called the tribulation for nothing.
Hello MMH,
1) Who says that the Hatonn you linked to is the same GCH who wrote the Phoenix Journals and other recordings of the Phoenix Project?
2) Who has told you that God created sex to be enjoyed? I thought God's gift of sex was for procreation, not bodily pleasure!
3) What matter is it whether something is Biblical? Do you want "Biblical" Christianity or do you want Christed Christianity? I believe the world has overwhelmingly stated the preference as you have voted-in and out the true laws of Christ.
4) What do you have to say to this quote from Hatonn, via another Phoenix Journal, which highlights how you are making judgments out of ignorance rather than in wisdom of knowledge:

hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 506

So keep talking. Religious nuts dont even have to argue with you, hell they dont even have to learn how to write and read. They will simply breed you all out of gene pool.
Population Growth Crash Course

So you are only able to provide video of some hipster instead of making your own argument? I am educated on matters of statistics. Like I have mentioned, in deeply backwards countries, fertility has leveled off, former UN projections were simply wrong. Perhaps fueled by irrational belief, that higher living standarts automatically means fewer children, ignoring religion and race in the process.

So, there will be less atheists in the future and more nuts. Get used to it.

This is also true of developed countries. In Russia by far most "productive" are native "starovery" aswell as muslim Chechens, not urban liberals. Same story in the US with Amish and mormons. Or in Israel, which was founded by educated, european expats, yet is more and more fundamentalist in nature (orthodox Jews nowadays form almost 15% of population).
full member
Activity: 210
Merit: 100
perhaps the OP does not know that sex for selfish reasons is a dangerous and unbalanced act.
I could not disagree more strongly. Sexual nirvana is the key to peace on Earth.

What you label "Nirvana" is a degrading spiritual trap devoid of love; it is actually a Hell on Earth; When one is an "adult" and does not wish to have children, the seeking of sexual pleasure by self or with another is a transgression upon self simply BECAUSE YOU ARE DENYING AND LIMITING YOUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POTENTIAL WITHIN.

What you ones have labeled "sexual energy" or "libido" is actually a corruption of the creative and nurturing potential of The Spirit of GOD within YOU. LET US REPEAT THIS: YOUR "SEXUAL ENERGY/LIBIDO" IS ACTUALLY A CORRUPTION OF THE CREATIVE AND NURTURING POTENTIAL OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD WITHIN YOU! Let us see how your Funk & Wagnals Dictionary defines Libido: "1. Sexual desire or impulse. 2. The instinctual craving or drive behind all human activities." Did you read that clearly, friends? INSTINCTUAL CRAVING OR DRIVE BEHIND ALL HUMAN ACTIVITIES! The catch is, precious ones, SEX is not the INSTINCTUAL craving or drive that was created by GOD, THIS was your CREATIVE, nurturing drive TO KNOW and CELEBRATE GOD WITHIN YOU, TO CO-CREATE THE EVER-UNFOLDING EXPANSION AND ADVENTURE OF LIFE! The truly loving DIVINE UNION, that of male/female experiencing their creative potential through the sexual act for PROCREATION, was created to be a UNION OF DIVINE LOVING DEVOTION and CELEBRATION OF THE GIFTS OF ONENESS SHARED...AND OF NEW LIFE CREATED FROM GOD. Rarely do ones feel TRUE LOVE, caring friendship, affection and intimacy toward their mates on your plane. Most have simply forgotten what LOVE is. You think perhaps you and your mate are one of the "rare" exceptions? Here is a test for you. How long would your marriage and commitment last if today you completely STOPPED all sexual activity with one another? Think about this carefully. Do you truly give of yourself to your mate sexually and otherwise because you wish to please them? To please both of you?

To please yourself? You ones think your sexual orgasm is ecstasy? YOU EVEN LIMIT ECSTASY!
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
Don't strain yourself too hard looking for facts, logic, or reason from Liathon. There is none of that to be found.
Yeah, you'll find nothing like that in the hundreds of cited sources here.

Sorry but you don't just get to take a bibliography from a book and claim they all back your argument. Make one premise and support it with as many studies as you can. This behavior is not just incredibly lazy, but intellectually dishonest. If you believe there is science behind your argument PICK A STUDY AND STAND BEHIND IT. Of course you won't though, because you and I both know your ignorance of scientific method in general is so great you are terrified to pick a study and stand behind it for fear of your ignorance and intellectual dishonesty being exposed.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000

So keep talking. Religious nuts dont even have to argue with you, hell they dont even have to learn how to write and read. They will simply breed you all out of gene pool.
Population Growth Crash Course
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 506
I find it absolutely amazing, that this thread didnt die yet.

While you singularites keep discussing this nonsense, guess what religious people do? Pump more babies. Actually in Africa fertility levels leveled off (stopped falling) at around 4.5 kids per womb. That means doubling of population every generation.

So keep talking. Religious nuts dont even have to argue with you, hell they dont even have to learn how to write and read. They will simply breed you all out of gene pool.

hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
Do not punish self or other, let the "desire" dissolve naturally within each partner. As you begin the unfoldment and adventure of discovering YOUR creative spiritual potential, you will be surprised, because at some point you will find that the "sexual act" is no longer appealing to either of you. You will be detached and no longer have interest in it!
I close this portion with petition to hear, to see and come into understanding so that you can find your way. My messengers shall no longer be given into martyrdom for the call is sounded as the chaos has spread about your lands--so will the hush come upon you and woe is upon he who does not take heed....AH YES, YE HAD BETTER BE READING CAREFULLY THE BOOKS CALLED BIBLE, FOR THEY ARE FILLED WITH THE CHANGINGS TO SUIT OF THE BEAST AND THROUGH THEM SHALL YE BE LED TO SLAUGHTER FOR THEY ARE NOT OF MY GIVING.

I just want to point out if anyone thinks these writings are Christian, they aren't. 1aguar is quoting Phoenix Journals, who take their info from Hatonn as seen here "...Perhaps I should mention to you that Hatonn denounces the lack of RESPONSIBILITY... "

Hatonn is supposedly an alien, “I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet-Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me “Hatonn”.

I do not agree with the few quotes specifically in the quote box above. They are not biblical. God created sex to be enjoyed (between husband and wife). Also Christians will be persecuted in the final days, it's not called the tribulation for nothing.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Don't strain yourself too hard looking for facts, logic, or reason from Liathon. There is none of that to be found.
Yeah, you'll find nothing like that in the hundreds of cited sources here.
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