For someone who advocates killing God you sure do adopt the persona of a preacher giving a sermon.
How perceptive you are. I'm not advocating killing God or anything else, as if you or I had any impact whatsoever! I'm simply pointing out my observation that
the death of religion has already begun and
there's nothing any of us can do to stop it.
Technology giveth, technology taketh away. Woe unto all ye who stubbornly cling to the ways of the past.This Century's Forecast: Orgasms, reason, and science win. Violence, ignorance, and superstition (theism) lose.
One interesting thing about reason is that Graham Hancock and 4 or 5 others are proving that 12,500 years ago there was a worldwide civilization, a trading organization, that was advanced in some of the sciences beyond what we are. While I don't personally believe the times that they set down, it seems that Solon told Plato that the destruction of Atlantis happened at a time that corresponds to 12,500 years ago.
The point is that religion isn't dying. If it were, it would have died back with the people of Atlantis - the Atlantis that Graham Hancock and his cohorts are proving existed through archeological means. As it is, Atlantis is simply the end of the world through the great flood of Noah's day... the flood that God did because people tried to destroy true religion back then.
Graham Hancock Breaks the Set on TED Censorship, Lost Civilizations & War on Consciousness -‘Magicians of the Gods’, snapshots of a work in progress - for the Lost civilization - Graham Hancock (FULL MOVIE) - science is way off in left field regarding things of the past. They are so because of money and politics, and they are leading a whole bunch of atheists, like you, far afield from the truth in such a way that is bringing about your destruction from God. Wake up to the strength of religion. Nobody can destroy religion. Atheism is simply another example of a misguided religion.