That gender is a social construction has been a widely accepted fact for over fifty years in the social sciences. Today there is growing mountain of scientific evidence that gender is deeply harmful to young developing minds. All that knowledge is available to you, if you were genuinely interested in getting to the truth of this issue you'd be on google learning about it, but we both know you're not.
"That gender is a social construction has been a widely accepted fact for over fifty years in the social sciences."
First of all who taught you English? Nice sentence structure.
It's official, you're a tedious pedant. Half to two thirds of my posts are from my (not so) smart phone, there's a limit to how much I struggle with this thing, as long as the idea is conveyed IDGAF if it's perfect English.
Second of all just because you believe it is "a widely accepted fact" among the handful of political ideologues willing to confirm your biases for you does not make it fact. Furthermore "social sciences" are not hard sciences, there can not be true empirical data collected for these studies conducted within this field of study. There are far too many variables, and real scientists know that social sciences are not based on fact but observation (...)
It's official, you don't understand how science works. No surprise there, if you did you'd be forced to reject all god claims for lack of evidence.
You were saying something about me not understanding science?
"Scientific Method.
The collection of the data on which a conclusion is based must conform to a scientific method. A scientist’s observations (data) about a phenomenon prompt the scientist to pose a question about the phenomenon. Next, the scientist reformulates the question as a hypothesis. Hypotheses then make predictions and data are collected and analyzed to test the prediction. A determination is then made about the likelihood that the result was due to chance and whether the result is scientifically important.
Measuring a difference in data that is gathered does not necessarily mean that a hypothesis is correct or incorrect. The scientist must first determine whether a difference in results is due to chance. Once statistical significance has been established, the scientist must decide whether the results are of scientific significance. The answer lies in the proportion of the total variation (statistically, variance) explained by the phenomenon. A phenomenon that has devastating effects on individuals or society may be important, even if it is unlikely.
Objectivity in execution is the second standard of good science. The procedure of science must be executed in a way that does not influence the results. Methods such as double blind, randomization, variable matching, and analysis of variance, are aimed at eliminating bias and are particularly important when dealing with phenomena that directly impinge upon human beings.The third standard of good science requires that the result be repeatable. For a scientific conclusion to be acceptable, other scientists must be able to repeat it in other locations at other times employing the same methods. The fourth standard of good science requires that the results be published in a scientific journal or other publication that is peer reviewed. Passing the hurdle of peer-reviewed publication is an assurance that quality control has been exercised in communicating the results to other scientists and meets a type of reliability norm on which decision-makers can rely.
Any "science" that does not meet all four of the standards (procedure, performance, duplication, and peer scrutiny) is not good science.Scientific Practice. Scientists have a general consensus about what constitutes good experimental design. It is that consensus about good experimental design that inherently tests a null hypothesis.
The single most important aspect of good experimental design that tests a null hypothesis is the requirement that the experimenter’s hypothesis be capable of being disproved by the experiment. To allow a hypothesis of causation to be disproved, the scientist must allow an equal opportunity for the truly opposite, or null, hypothesis to be proven." vast majority of "social sciences" do not meet the above listed criteria requisite for studies to truly be called scientific.
I never said anything about God, there you go again projecting your prejudices and biases upon me. Just because I disagree with you and I don't like seeing religious people be harassed with your insane ideologies must mean I am a religious nut right?
I am still waiting for you to cite any scientific studies proving your arguments. I have presented studies to support my argument, why can't you? Is it perhaps because they don't exist and your ideology is based completely upon your beliefs, making you no different than the religious nuts you so eagerly despise?
I don't care about the majority and how their affected, if even one person is affected negatively the majority in a way that's out of their control, such as being discriminated against for being homosexual, then the majority has to change.
Wise words, our founding fathers shared this sentiment, they called it the "tyranny of the majority". This is what you get with a population that doesn't know their own history, even history as recent as a few hundred years ago.
Ok, lets come back to reality here for a moment. People of ALL TYPES are affected negatively in ways that are outside of their control many times on a daily basis. So you are telling me that we can legislate our way to utopia, and that doing so will not just do far more damage to society than it does to help it? You can feel that way all day if you want, but that is not how the law works sorry. The law does not exist to enforce emotions, feelings, and desires. Like science, the law is based on hard demonstrable facts. Subjective things like emotions, feelings, and desires are not quantifiable therefore are not provable in a court of law other than by some one's word. In effect anyone can simply claim offense and use the law as a weapon against others and there is no way to prove one way or the other.
Again, I challenge you as well to provide actual scientific evidence that there is no biological basis to gender identity and behavior. Furthermore can you prove to me that forcing children with hetero-normative gender identities to change their gender identity to meet what you believe to be ideal gender identities is not harmful to those children? Can you prove to me that children will not be harmed by removing their natural gender identity from them?
Why is this any different than trying to condition a gay person into being heterosexual and adopting hetero-normative gender roles? Aren't you just forcing the same but polar opposite gender roles upon people who naturally feel a different way? If it is wrong to try to recondition a gay person into being hetero-normative, why is it acceptable to condition hetero-normative children into something other than what they were born as?
I'm not sure if you'e trolling or just stupid, but the definition of gender: noun
the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
The links you provided have nothing to do with gender, they are the biological differences in males and females, yes males tend to be more masculine and females more feminine because of biological differences, but gender encompasses a much wider range than that. It encompasses aesthetics, behavior, personality all designated by that specific soceity. What you're describing is "sex" and the various attributes that come with it between males and females, not gender. Gender is classified a social construct because different societies have different roles that they assign to each sex(male/female).
Don't get confused on gender and sex, I suggest you go read more about them or go take a basic sociology class, because you sound very stupid.
I get the feeling that you rather just be a sheep and go with the flow for the supposed "betterment of society" based on your statements. Unfortunately many societies around the world are just wrong in their beliefs, laws, etc. Very basic thinking you have there... I don't care about the majority and how their affected, if even one person is affected negatively the majority in a way that's out of their control, such as being discriminated against for being homosexual, then the majority has to change.
No, the links I provided have everything to do with gender. They demonstrate that children and even animals have innate biological gender roles before society even has an opportunity to condition them. Men are more thing oriented, women are more people oriented. Even when extreme measures have been undertaken to create a gender balanced workforce, even with more choices, the fields dominated by one sex or the other grows EVEN MORE segregated by gender. This demonstrates that certain genders gravitate to certain fields more than others NATURALLY not just because society tricked or coerced them to some how via some mythical oppressive gender police.
Gender is NOT JUST A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT no matter how many times you repeat it. Additionally there is a lot of scientific evidence suggesting biology plays a large part in creating gender roles. You can make up whatever meanings you want for the words to convince yourself we aren't talking about the same thing, but we are. Gender roles have biological sources as well as social sources. Ignoring biology in order to recondition them into some supposedly ideal state can be disastrous for a person's well being.
I am a sheep now because I don't agree with you? Silly me deciding that what is best for the majority will most likely result in more people overall being happy and successful. What insanity. Society is not always right, but neither are utopian ideologues looking to recondition the gender roles of all of society. It is very clear you don't care about the majority, just like most social justice warriors. Your ideology is always more important than the rights of others. The majority doesn't have to change, and this kind of attitude is what puts people off from your supposed message of equality.