New TrumpCoin V3 wallets now available! There is a Windows 32-bit ready and a Linux Ubuntu 16.04 version. Apple Mac is still coming soon.
Additionally, the ROI annual return has been increased from 2% to 10% effective on block 716,000. You can confirm what your block count is on the wallet console command line by typing
getblockcount. You should be in the 716,2xx block count range.
Please upgrade to these new V3 wallets as soon as possible and start staking. There are many TrumpCoin wallets on erroneous forked blockchains and staking is not operating properly for those V1 and V2 wallets. The new wallets are downloadable from the website or here.
Windows 32bit Version 3 Wallet Version 3 Wallet've also attached a link to a bootstrap file from my V3 wallet. It contains the blk0001.dat file and the txleveldb folder.
Accurate block height for this bootstrap will start you at least 716,195. Much faster than starting over.
1. Make sure you have a good safe backup of your wallet.dat file. Close down your V3 TrumpCoin program.
2. Remove everything from that folder except your wallet.dat and your trumpcoin.conf file (You can get more V3 addnodes from here later!network3. Unzip/copy these file and folders into that V3 directory and then startup the V3 wallet program.
4. It should get you pretty close to today's blockchain total.
TrumpCoin V3 Bootstrap Download
My apologies for the delay but we wanted to make sure the new wallets were performing accurately before releasing. Contrary to popular criticisms I have been involved with TrumpCoin for over 2 years, so the two-week delay is moot as far as I'm concerned. Finding a decent, trustworthy developer (this is
Trump coin after all) has taken a long time. Not to mention all of this has been funded, supported and created out of my own pocket. So if you want things to happen faster donations would definitely help.
Anyways, please download the new wallets, get them synced up and keep supporting us. Now is a great time to get your wallets full before the market turns around. Never give up!