On the other hand, I believe Manchester United has what it takes to maintain a strong position in the UEFA Europa league this season, regardless of whether they are been coached by a new manager. Considering the technical ability of their coach and his proven track record at Sporting, he appears capable of leading them to success in the UEFA Europa league, no matter the challenges they face.
The schedule English teams have is a lot, they play in four different competitions, and with that in mind, even though some of them are less games, it's still games and they go on with 2 games a week for a very long time and that's not an easy feat at all. Tottenham could just end up being tired by the end and fail to win any of them, which they have done before so it wouldn't really be a shocker for them. I am expecting them to do fine this season and maybe get one cup, it would be a first and I believe that will definitely make them quite happy as well.