Dear Ultracoin community,
At long last, the much anticipated update is finally completed and available for download! In this update, we have updated the block reward schedule to ensure that Ultracoin remains sustainable long into the future. I know the reward drop may come as a shock to some of our miners, but I urge you that the long term repercussions would be much more severe if we don't take the responsible measures of tapering coin growth now. Block retargeting has been adjusted over a longer period of blocks which will smooth out the difficulty retargetting and ensure fairer distribution and a more secure network that is less susceptible to difficulty swing attacks and botnets. In this update we have decided to revert back to N-Factor 14 indefinitely in order to further our immunity from botnets, as CPU's get faster and GPU's become more powerful this will be a much more future proof solution, it is also still much more efficient than Scrypt and X11. Currently the update is only available for our Windows users, but updates for Macintosh and Linux are on their to be released soon, and I will update when they become available. The update is available for download below and should go into effect sometime around November 1st adjusting for current block time. Lastly, this update is Mandatory, meaning that you must update in order to be on the current most current Ultracoin network, Macintosh and Linux users please keep checking back until your update is available. I also want to thank our miners and community members for believing in Ultracoin and weathering the storm with us, it means a lot to me and the team, and I strongly believe Ultracoin will prosper because of the community and it's support.
Steven "Rapture"
Management Director
[email protected]
Windows Download:
Change notes:
Change to 10 UTC per block pending new update
10 UTC per block - 4,000,000
5 UTC per block - 6,000,000
2.5 UTC per block - 8,000,000
1.25 UTC per block - 20,000,000
1 UTC per block - 25,000,000
.5 UTC per block - 30,000,000
.25 UTC per block - 40,000,000
.125 UTC per block - 50,000,000
.01 UTC per block - 208,145,600
Change to 2% pending new update
1.5% per year at block 4,000,000
1% per year at block 8,000,000
Block Retarget
* Digishield variant
* Smoothing over 240 blocks
* PoW block time 60 second target
* PoS block time 60 second target (minimum diff 0.25)
* Max adjustment per block +12%/-16%
GitHub Diff: