@volyova.... can i ask you why you keep "feeding" trol's ?
So you love a trol and feed that trol which is hurting and damaging Ultracoin consequently
Do you understand this following;
= shocked
= sad
= angry
= embarressed
= cry
So do i understand right volyova that you are a renegade and like help feeding trols to put UTC in a bad situation ?
And if you dont want to hear my comment, please then read the wise comment from Beave ;
I also find it funny that people on here give you so much attention. "Don't feed the trolls" apparently means feed them as much as they want!
Wake up fellow UTC friend:
> you dont mock them
> you feeding them and giving them a place on stage
Please dont answer or mock trol's.
Dont feed them in any sort of way.
Otherwise you give them everytime a stage and make it only worsh becous trol's go on and on and on when the have a place on the stage....
You're helping them be disruptive - if everyone ignores them, they'll probably go away.
Oh, I know. My point was to alert you to the fact you're being an ass to other people - it's always your decision as to what to do.
It's not an insult - disrupting other people is simply being an ass. Maybe you didn't realize that's what you were doing, but if - once alerted to it - you continue to do it...