Can someone help me out with settings for my r9 280x rig. I am only getting 1.7khs with ultracoinminer and I cannot even get yacminer to run without HW. If someone could just post their settings for whichever miner run better I would appreciate it.
Also, is 1.5khs for an r7 240 acceptable?
I have 14.6 drivers for r9 280x and I think 13.2 for my r7
ASUS R9 280X (4.57 kH/s HW=0 GPU-1100 Mem- 1500)
yacminer.exe --scrypt-chacha -o stratum+tcp:// -u barbados-2 -p 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 -o stratum+tcp:// -u barbados-2 -p 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 -o stratum+tcp:// -u barbados-2 -p 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 -R 4576 -g 1 -w 256 --buffer-size 2656 --lookup-gap 7 --auto-fan --temp-cutoff 86 --temp-overheat 80 --gpu-fan 40-95 2>logfile.txt
Gigabite R9 270X (2.56 kH/S HW=0 GPU 1100 Mem 1400)
yacminer.exe --scrypt-chacha -o stratum+tcp:// -u barbados-1 -p 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 -o stratum+tcp:// -u barbados-1 -p 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 -o stratum+tcp:// -u barbados-1 -p 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600 -g 1 -w 256 -R 3128 --buffer-size 1576 --lookup-gap 8 --auto-fan --temp-cutoff 85 --temp-overheat 80 --gpu-fan 35-90 2>logfile.txt
Удaчи дpyг.
Cant set my buffer size higher than 1295 otherwise I get cgminer -4 error, which I think has to do with memory, and any rawintensity about about 2800 causes HW. I only have 4gb of ram in the computer with my 280s, not sure if more ram would help.
All ive been able to get is about 2.2khs with these settings
yacminer --scrypt-chacha -o stratum+tcp:// -u salmonstraw.2 -p 2 --worksize 256 -g 1 --lookup-gap 8 -R 2560 --buffer-size 1295 --temp-cutoff 90 --temp-overheat 85 --gpu-fan 45-75 -d 1 --nfmin 4 --nfmax 30 --starttime 1388361600
Again I have yacminer 3.5 and 14.6 drivers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.