Like to say great work been done by Steven and the devs. Many other coins devs/creators seem to be abandoning their coins by the looks of it and not doing anything proactive or development work (such as Maxcoin going by what I read in their thread) leading to these dropping down the ranks. It's great and refreshing coming on here seeing our management still fully behind and involved in Ultracoin and what it stands for. Please keep up the great work as without you guys in sure many investors would have abandoned ship and watched Ultracoin drown.
I'm greatly looking forward observing what will happen here over the next 24 months adoption wise and development wise, and I hope you will still be here leading the way. Maybe Microsoft may have approached UTC to be their crypto payment solution? Or we would have been adopted as a means of payment by ebay? Maybe UTC will be close to $1 leading to us been able to employ a whole dev team? The possibilities are endless. I do know is we have to stay with 'the pack' and can't afford to slip in the ranks. so guys please tell all your friends about UTC when crypto is mentioned in conversation (and it will be in the coming years that's for sure!) Like all the facebook posts and retweet all their tweets. Its a community effort that we HAVE to all participate in if we want to be regarded as genuine choice for investors.
Thank you Funsponge, its comments like yours that really give me energy to keep going. Ultracoin has been around since February, which makes it an ancient coin in cryptocurrency time. I am hoping that each step we take will bring us a little bit closer to our goal. Eventually we will become a bigger and more powerful name, and at that point we can really get the wheels turning. But we have some good ideas on the back burner, and we are working hard everyday. Of course, if the community has some ideas, concerns or anything they would like to share, please message me. A community that works together is always the strongest.
I took a look at Maxcoin and it looks pretty bleak. I am a fan of Max Keiser and his politics, but I think whoever was put in charge of Maxcoin isn't really supporting it like he should. Max is a celebrity, and that played into the coin a lot. Likewise, Bumface was a bit of a celebrity as he was a moderator on BTC-E, but that alone can't make a coin. It's really community involvement and good leadership that makes a coin, along with some innovation and capital backing. Kracko has been leading developments with a passion and level of professionalism that is seldom seen in crypto, and I look forward to seeing the final version of the new wallet. Paul and Fabian are working with Kracko to get their ASIC's working at full effeciency on the multi-pool. And Nathan, the creator of the Myriad Coin one-click miner, is working with us to create our own version for Ultracoin which will be integrated into the wallet directly. As for myself, I believe tha actions speak louder than words and hope to bring some new things to the table soon, as well as continuing to work with our team and continuing to work on our marketing developments.